;; [[file:redis.org::*API][API:2]] (import r7rs (chicken base) (chicken port) (chicken string) (chicken io) (chicken tcp) (srfi 34) ;; Exception Handling (srfi 35) ;; Exception Types (srfi 69) ;; Hash Tables (srfi 99) ;; Extended Records (srfi 113) ;; Sets and Bags (srfi 128) ;; Comparators (srfi 133) ;; Vectors (srfi 152) ;; Strings (srfi 158) ;; Generators and Accumulators ) ;; API:2 ends here ;; Exceptions ;; This library defines an SRFI-35 exception type ~&redis-error~ that gets raised when Redis returns an error. The exception type has a single field called ~redis-error-message~ containing the error message returned by Redis. ;; [[file:redis.org::*Exceptions][Exceptions:1]] (define-condition-type &redis-error &error redis-error? (redis-error-message redis-error-message)) ;; Exceptions:1 ends here ;; Connection Management ;; This egg currently uses a simple TCP connection without any "bells and whistles". The two ports are kept in a record of type =redis-connection= in the fields ~input~ and ~output~. ;; ~(redis-connect host port #!optional (protocol-version 1))~ ;; Connects to a (hopefully) Redis server at =host:port=, using the given protocol version. Defaults, like Redis itself, to version 1. ;; [[file:redis.org::*Connection Management][Connection Management:1]] (define-record-type redis-connection #t #t input output) (define (redis-connect host port #!optional (protocol-version 1)) (let-values (((i o) (tcp-connect host port))) (values (make-redis-connection i o) (and (write-line (string-append "HELLO " (->string protocol-version)) o) (redis-read-reply i))))) ;; Connection Management:1 ends here ;; ~(redis-disconnect rconn)~ ;; Disconnects from =rconn= which must be a =redis-connection=. ;; [[file:redis.org::*Connection Management][Connection Management:2]] (define (redis-disconnect rconn) (tcp-abandon-port (redis-connection-input rconn)) (tcp-abandon-port (redis-connection-output rconn))) ;; Connection Management:2 ends here ;; Running Commands ;; ~(redis-run rconn command . args)~ ;; Uses connection =rconn= to run =command= with =args=. The args will be appended to the command, space-separated. Returns the parsed reply. ;; [[file:redis.org::*Running Commands][Running Commands:1]] (define (redis-run rconn command . args) (let ((in (redis-connection-input rconn)) (out (redis-connection-output rconn)) (comm (string-join (cons command args)))) (write-line comm out) (redis-read-reply in))) ;; Running Commands:1 ends here ;; ~(redis-run-proc rconn proc . args)~ ;; Calls =proc= with the output port of the =rconn= as current output port, optionally with =args=. Returns the parsed reply. ;; [[file:redis.org::*Running Commands][Running Commands:2]] (define (redis-run-proc rconn proc . args) (let ((in (redis-connection-input rconn)) (out (redis-connection-output rconn))) (with-output-to-port out (cut apply proc args)) (redis-read-reply in))) ;; Running Commands:2 ends here ;; Supported Data Types ;; This Redis client supports all data types up to and including as specified in [[https://github.com/antirez/RESP3/blob/master/spec.md][RESP3]]. ;; #+name: redis-read-reply ;; [[file:redis.org::redis-read-reply][redis-read-reply]] (define (redis-read-reply #!optional port) (let* ((port (or port (current-input-port))) (sigil (read-char port))) (case sigil ((#\+) (read-redis-simple-string port)) ((#\-) (raise (make-condition &redis-error 'redis-error-message (read-redis-simple-string port)))) ((#\$) (read-redis-blob-string port)) ((#\!) (raise (make-condition &redis-error 'redis-error-message (read-redis-blob-string port)))) ((#\=) (read-redis-blob-string port)) ((#\:) (read-redis-number port)) ((#\,) (read-redis-number port)) ((#\() (read-redis-number port)) ((#\#) (read-redis-bool port)) ((#\_) (read-redis-null port)) ((#\*) (read-redis-array port)) ((#\%) (read-redis-map port)) ((#\~) (read-redis-set port)) ((#\|) (read-redis-with-attributes port))))) ;; redis-read-reply ends here ;; Simple Strings ;; Simple strings start with ~+~ and are single-line. ;; #+name: read-redis-simple-string-example ;; #+begin_example ;; +this is a simple string. ;; #+end_example ;; #+name: read-redis-simple-string ;; [[file:redis.org::read-redis-simple-string][read-redis-simple-string]] (define (read-redis-simple-string #!optional port) (let ((port (or port (current-input-port)))) (read-line port))) ;; read-redis-simple-string ends here ;; Blob Strings ;; Blob strings are longer, potentially multi-line strings. Their sigil is ~$~, followed by an integer designating the string length. ;; #+begin_example ;; $7 ;; chicken ;; #+end_example ;; #+name: read-redis-blob-string ;; [[file:redis.org::read-redis-blob-string][read-redis-blob-string]] (define (read-redis-blob-string #!optional port) (let* ((port (or port (current-input-port))) (charcount (string->number (read-line port))) (str (list->string (generator-map->list (lambda (i) (read-char port)) (make-range-generator 0 charcount))))) (read-line port) str)) ;; read-redis-blob-string ends here ;; Integers ;; Integers are sent to the client prefixed with ~:~. ;; #+begin_example ;; :180 ;; #+end_example ;; #+name: read-redis-number ;; [[file:redis.org::read-redis-number][read-redis-number]] (define (read-redis-number #!optional port) (let* ((port (or port (current-input-port))) (elem (read-line port))) (if (string=? elem "inf") (string->number "+inf") (string->number elem)))) ;; read-redis-number ends here ;; Booleans ;; True and false values are represented as ~#t~ and ~#f~, just like in Scheme. ;; #+name: read-redis-bool ;; [[file:redis.org::read-redis-bool][read-redis-bool]] (define (read-redis-bool #!optional port) (let ((port (or port (current-input-port)))) (string=? (read-line port) "t"))) ;; read-redis-bool ends here ;; Null ;; The null type is encoded simply as ~_~, and results in ~'()~. ;; #+name: read-redis-null ;; [[file:redis.org::read-redis-null][read-redis-null]] (define (read-redis-null #!optional port) (let ((port (or port (current-input-port)))) (read-line port) '())) ;; read-redis-null ends here ;; Arrays ;; Arrays are marked with ~*~ followed by the number of entries, and get returned as srfi-133 vectors. ;; #+begin_example ;; *3 ;; :1 ;; :2 ;; :3 ;; #+end_example ;; #+name: read-redis-array ;; [[file:redis.org::read-redis-array][read-redis-array]] (define (read-redis-array #!optional port) (let* ((port (or port (current-input-port))) (elems (string->number (read-line port))) (vec (make-vector elems '()))) (generator-for-each (lambda (i) (vector-set! vec i (redis-read-reply port))) (make-range-generator 0 elems)) vec)) ;; read-redis-array ends here ;; Maps ;; Maps are represented exactly as arrays, but instead of using the ~*~ byte, the encoded value starts with a ~%~ byte. Moreover the number of following elements must be even. Maps represent a sequence of field-value items, basically what we could call a dictionary data structure, or in other terms, an hash. They get returned as srfi-69 hash tables. ;; #+begin_example ;; %2 ;; +first ;; :1 ;; +second ;; :2 ;; #+end_example ;; #+name: read-redis-map ;; [[file:redis.org::read-redis-map][read-redis-map]] (define (read-redis-map #!optional port) (let* ((port (or port (current-input-port))) (elems (string->number (read-line port))) (ht (make-hash-table))) (generator-for-each (lambda (i) (hash-table-set! ht (redis-read-reply port) (redis-read-reply port))) (make-range-generator 0 elems)) ht)) ;; read-redis-map ends here ;; Sets ;; Sets are exactly like the Array type, but the first byte is ~~~ instead of ~*~. They get returned as srfi-113 sets. ;; Additionally, there is a parameter defined, =redis-set-comparator=, that specifies the default comparator to be used for sets. It defaults to `(make-default-comparator)`. ;; #+begin_example ;; ~4 ;; +orange ;; +apple ;; #t ;; #f ;; #+end_example ;; #+name: read-redis-set ;; [[file:redis.org::read-redis-set][read-redis-set]] (define redis-set-comparator (make-parameter (make-default-comparator) (lambda (newcomp) (or (and (comparator? newcomp) newcomp) '())))) (define (read-redis-set #!optional port) (let* ((port (or port (current-input-port))) (elems (string->number (read-line port))) (s (set (redis-set-comparator)))) (generator-for-each (lambda (i) (set-adjoin! s (redis-read-reply port))) (make-range-generator 0 elems)) s)) ;; read-redis-set ends here ;; Attributes ;; The attribute type is exactly like the Map type, but instead of the ~%~ first byte, the ~|~ byte is used. Attributes describe a dictionary exactly like the Map type, however the client should not consider such a dictionary part of the reply, but just auxiliary data that is used in order to augment the reply. ;; This library returns two values in this case, the first value being the actual data reply from redis, the second one being the attributes. ;; #+name: read-redis-with-attributes ;; [[file:redis.org::read-redis-with-attributes][read-redis-with-attributes]] (define (read-redis-with-attributes #!optional port) (let* ((port (or port (current-input-port))) (attributes (read-redis-map port))) (values (redis-read-reply port) attributes))) ;; read-redis-with-attributes ends here