(ns ch.lyrion.carbon.icon.ui-icon (:require [ch.lyrion.carbon.factory-helpers :as h] ["carbon-components-react/lib/components/Icon/Icon.js" :default Icon])) (def ui-icon "Props: - role (string): The `role` attribute. Default: 'img' - description (string) (required): The icon description. - iconRef (func): The `ref` callback for the icon. - fillRule (string): The `` `fillRule` attribute. Default: 'evenodd' - fill (string): The `` `fill` attribute. - width (string): The `` `width` attribute. - icon (shape): The icon data. - className (string): The CSS class name. - style (object): The CSS styles. - iconTitle (string): The icon title. - viewBox (string): The `` `viewbox` attribute. - height (string): The `` `height` attribute. " (h/factory-apply Icon))