(ns ch.lyrion.carbon.search.ui-search (:require [ch.lyrion.carbon.factory-helpers :as h] ["carbon-components-react/lib/components/Search/Search.js" :default Search])) (def ui-search "Props: - value (union): Specify the value of the - closeButtonLabelText (string): Specify a label to be read by screen readers on the \"close\" button Default: 'Clear search input' - type (string): Optional prop to specify the type of the `` Default: 'text' - className (string): Specify an optional className to be applied to the container node - size (enum): Specify the search size - small (custom): Specify whether the load was successful - id (string): Specify a custom `id` for the input - defaultValue (union): Optionally provide the default value of the - placeHolderText (string): Provide an optional placeholder text for the Search. Note: if the label and placeholder differ, VoiceOver on Mac will read both Default: '' - onChange (null): null Default: () => {} - light (bool): Specify light version or default version of this control - labelText (node) (required): Provide an optional label text for the Search icon " (h/wrapped-factory-apply Search))