(ns ch.lyrion.carbon.ui-shell.ui-link (:require [ch.lyrion.carbon.factory-helpers :as h] ["carbon-components-react/lib/components/UIShell/Link.js" :default Link])) (def ui-link "Link is a custom component that allows us to supporting rendering elements other than `a` in our markup. The goal is to allow users to support passing in their own components to support use-cases like `react-router` or `@reach/router` Props: - element (elementType): The base element to use to build the link. Defaults to `a`, can also accept alternative tag names or custom components like `Link` from `react-router`. Default: 'a' - isSideNavExpanded (bool): Property to indicate if the side nav container is open (or not). Use to keep local state and styling in step with the SideNav expansion state. " (h/factory-apply Link))