
22 lines
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(ns ch.lyrion.carbon.file-uploader.ui-file-uploader-drop-container
[ch.lyrion.carbon.factory-helpers :as h]
["carbon-components-react/lib/components/FileUploader/FileUploaderDropContainer.js" :default FileUploaderDropContainer]))
(def ui-file-uploader-drop-container
- role (string): Provide an accessibility role for the <FileUploaderButton>
- tabIndex (number): Provide a custom tabIndex value for the <FileUploaderButton> Default: 0
- disabled (bool): Specify whether file input is disabled
- name (string): Provide a name for the underlying <input> node
- multiple (bool): Specify if the component should accept multiple files to upload Default: false
- className (string): Provide a custom className to be applied to the container node
- id (string): Provide a unique id for the underlying <input> node
- onAddFiles (func): Event handler that is called after files are added to the uploader
The event handler signature looks like `onAddFiles(evt, { addedFiles })` Default: () => {}
- labelText (string): Provide the label text to be read by screen readers when interacting with
this control Default: 'Add file'
- accept (arrayOf): Specify the types of files that this input should be able to receive Default: []
(h/factory-apply FileUploaderDropContainer))