
17 lines
747 B

(ns ch.lyrion.carbon.list-box.ui-list-box-field
[ch.lyrion.carbon.factory-helpers :as h]
["carbon-components-react/lib/components/ListBox/ListBoxField.js" :default ListBoxField]))
(def ui-list-box-field
"`ListBoxField` is responsible for creating the containing node for valid
elements inside of a field. It also provides a11y-related attributes like
`role` to make sure a user can focus the given field.
- children (node): Provide the contents of your ListBoxField
- id (string) (required): Specify a custom `id`
- disabled (bool): Specify if the parent <ListBox> is disabled
- tabIndex (union): Optional prop to specify the tabIndex of the <ListBox> trigger button
(h/factory-apply ListBoxField))