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(ns clojurefx.clojurefx
(:require [taoensso.timbre :as timbre]
[ :as io]
[ :as zip]
[clojure.reflect :as reflect]
[clojure.string :as str]
[swiss.arrows :refer :all]
[clojure.spec.alpha :as s]
[clojure.pprint :refer :all])
(:import (javafx.scene.layout Region)
(javafx.scene.shape Rectangle)
(java.lang.reflect Method)
(javafx.scene.control Button)))
;; ## Specs
(s/def ::node (partial instance? javafx.scene.Node))
(s/def ::scene (partial instance? javafx.scene.Scene))
(s/def ::stage (partial instance? javafx.stage.Stage))
(s/def ::scenegraph (s/or :node ::node
:scene ::scene
:stage ::stage))
(s/def ::args (s/coll-of symbol?))
(s/def ::code (s/coll-of any?))
;; ## Functional interfaces
(defn fi* [interface args code]
(debug "fi*")
(let [iface-ref (reflect/type-reflect interface)
methods (filter #(instance? clojure.reflect.Method %) (:members iface-ref))
functional-method (filter (fn [x] (some #(= % :abstract) (:flags x))) methods)
method-sym (:name (first functional-method))]
(eval `(proxy [~interface] []
(~method-sym ~args
(defmacro fi
"This macro is used to make use of functional interfaces. The class name of the functional interface has to be given."
[interface args & code]
(debug "fi")
;;`(fi* ~interface '~args '~code)
(let [iface-ref (reflect/type-reflect interface)
methods (filter #(instance? clojure.reflect.Method %) (:members iface-ref))
functional-method (filter (fn [x] (some #(= % :abstract) (:flags x))) methods)
method-sym (:name (first functional-method))]
(when-not (= (count functional-method) 1)
(throw (new Exception (str "can't take an interface with more than one method:" (pr-str functional-method)))))
(debug "Writing proxy.")
`(proxy [~interface] []
(~method-sym ~args
(defn- map2
"Like map, but takes two elements at a time."
([fun a b] (list (fun a b)))
([fun [a b & coll]]
(cons (fun a b) (map2 fun coll))))
(defn typematcher
[arg-types methods]
(let [method (first methods)]
(cond (or (nil? method) (empty? method)) nil
(and (= (count arg-types) (count (:parameter-types method)))
(every? #(isa? (first %) (second %)) (interleave arg-types (:parameter-types method))))
(recur arg-types (rest methods)))))
(declare camelcase-low)
(def instancecache (atom {}))
(defmacro objwrap [obj sym]
(swap! instancecache assoc sym obj)
`(let [obj# (get @instancecache ~sym)]
(debug "Calling back object" obj# "with hash" ~sym)
(swap! instancecache dissoc ~sym)
(defmacro connect
[instance method args & code]
`(let [instance# ~instance
dbg# (debug "instance#" instance#)
method# '~(if (instance? clojure.lang.Cons method) (second method) method)
dbg# (debug "method#" method#)
functional-method# (first (clojure.lang.Reflector/getMethods (class instance#) 1 (camelcase-low (name method#)) false))
dbg# (debug "functional-method#" functional-method#)
functional-para# (symbol (.getName (first (.getParameterTypes ^Method functional-method#))))
dbg# (debug "functional-para#" functional-para#)
code# '~(if (= 1 (count code)) (first code) code)
dbg# (debug "code#" code#)]
(eval `(~(symbol (str "." (camelcase-low (name method#)))) ~`(objwrap ~instance# ~(hash instance#))
(fi ~functional-para# ~'~args '~@code#))))
(defn start-app [app-init app-start app-stop]
(clojurefx.ApplicationInitializer/initApp app-init app-start app-stop))
;; ## Data
(def constructor-args
(atom {javafx.scene.Scene {:root javafx.scene.Parent}
javafx.stage.Stage {:style javafx.stage.StageStyle}}))
(defn camelcase [kebabcase]
(let [splitted (str/split (name kebabcase) #"-")]
(reduce #(str %1 (str/capitalize %2)) "" splitted)))
(defn camelcase-low [kebabcase]
(let [splitted (str/split (name kebabcase) #"-")]
(reduce #(str %1 (str/capitalize %2)) (first splitted) (rest splitted))))
;; ## Threading helpers
(defn run-later* "
Simple wrapper for Platform/runLater. You should use run-later.
" [f]
(assert (instance? Runnable f))
(javafx.application.Platform/runLater f)
(defmacro run-later [& body]
`(run-later* (fn [] ~@body)))
(defn run-now* "
A modification of run-later waiting for the running method to return. You should use run-now.
" [f]
(if (javafx.application.Platform/isFxApplicationThread)
(apply f [])
(let [result (promise)]
(deliver result (try (f) (catch Throwable e e))))
(defmacro run-now "
Runs the code on the FX application thread and waits until the return value is delivered.
" [& body]
`(run-now* (fn [] ~@body)))
(defn collize "
Turns the input into a collection, if it isn't already.
" [input]
(if (coll? input)
(list input)))
(defn pred-protocol [proto check]
(let [impls (keys (proto :impls))
check (type check)]
(reduce #(or %1 (isa? check %2)) false impls)))
;; ## Constructors
(defn find-constructor [clazz cargs]
(->> (reflect/reflect clazz)
(filter #(= clojure.reflect.Constructor (class %)))
(filter #(= cargs (:parameter-types %)))
(defn invoke-constructor [clazz args]
(clojure.lang.Reflector/invokeConstructor clazz (into-array args)))
;; ## Scene graph walker
(defn- has-method? [node method]
(and (not (nil? node)) (not (empty? (clojure.lang.Reflector/getMethods (class node) 0 method false)))))
(defn- graph-node-has-children? [node]
(or (has-method? node "getChildren")
(has-method? node "getGraphic")
(has-method? node "getMenus")
(has-method? node "getColumns")
(has-method? node "getContent")
(has-method? node "getTabs")
(has-method? node "getItems")
(has-method? node "getRoot")
(has-method? node "getScene"))
(defn- graph-node-get-children [node]
{:post [coll?]}
(cond (has-method? node "getChildren") (.getChildren node)
(has-method? node "getGraphic") [(.getGraphic node)]
(has-method? node "getMenus") (.getMenus node)
(has-method? node "getContent") [(.getContent node)]
(has-method? node "getTabs") (.getTabs node)
(has-method? node "getColumns") (.getColumns node)
(has-method? node "getItems") (.getItems node)
(has-method? node "getRoot") [(.getRoot node)]
(has-method? node "getScene") [(.getScene node)])
;; (def struct (compile [Scene {:root [VBox {:children [Label {:text "Hi!" :style-class ["test"]}]}]}]))
(defn scenegraph-zipper [node]
(zip/zipper graph-node-has-children? graph-node-get-children nil node))
(defn- flat-zipper [zipper]
(if (or (zip/end? (zip/next zipper)) (nil? (zip/next zipper)))
(zip/node zipper)
(lazy-seq (cons (zip/node zipper) (flat-zipper (zip/next zipper))))))
(defn- has-id? [node id]
{:pre [any? (string? id)]
:post [boolean?]}
(if (s/valid? ::node node)
(= id (.getId node))
(defn find-child-by-id [node id]
{:pre [(s/valid? ::scenegraph node)
(string? id)]
:post [#(or (s/valid? ::scenegraph node) nil?)]}
(let [zipper (scenegraph-zipper node)]
(first (filter #(has-id? % id) (flat-zipper zipper)))))
(defn- contains-class? [node clazz]
{:pre [(s/valid? ::scenegraph node) (string? clazz)]
:post [boolean?]}
(if (s/valid? ::node node)
(< 0 (count (filter #(= % clazz) (.getStyleClass node))))
(defn find-child-by-class [node clazz]
{:pre [(s/valid? ::scenegraph node)
(string? clazz)]
:post [#(or (s/valid? ::scenegraph node) nil?)]}
(let [zipper (scenegraph-zipper node)]
(filter #(contains-class? % clazz) (flat-zipper zipper))))
;; ## Properties
(defn find-property [obj prop]
(clojure.lang.Reflector/invokeInstanceMethod obj (str (camelcase prop) "Property") (into-array [])))
(defn get-property-value
([obj prop]
(clojure.lang.Reflector/invokeInstanceMethod obj (str "get" (camelcase prop)) (into-array []))))
(defn set-property-value
([obj prop val]
(clojure.lang.Reflector/invokeInstanceMethod obj (str "set" (camelcase prop)) (into-array [val]))))
;; ## In-code scenegraph
(declare compile-o-matic)
(defn- apply-connects [nodeobj [[method args & code] & conncoll]]
{:pre [(s/valid? ::node nodeobj)
(symbol? method)
(s/valid? ::args args)
(s/valid? ::code code)]}
(eval `(connect ~`(objwrap ~nodeobj ~(hash nodeobj)) '~method '~args ~code))
(debug "Heyy!")
(if (not (or (nil? conncoll) (empty? conncoll)))
(recur nodeobj conncoll)))
(defn- apply-props-to-node [nodeobj propmap]
(doseq [[k v] propmap]
(= k :children) (.add (.getChildren nodeobj) (compile-o-matic v))
(= k :style-class) (.addAll (.getStyleClass nodeobj) (compile-o-matic v))
(= k :connect) (apply-connects nodeobj v)
:else (set-property-value nodeobj k (compile-o-matic v)))
(defn- propmap-splitter [clazz propmap]
(let [constructor-args (keys (get @constructor-args clazz))]
[(map propmap constructor-args) (apply dissoc propmap constructor-args)]))
(defn- build-node [clazz propmap]
(let [[cargs props] (propmap-splitter clazz propmap)
nodeobj (invoke-constructor clazz (map compile-o-matic cargs))]
(apply-props-to-node nodeobj props)
(defn compile
([args] (run-now (compile args [])))
([[obj & other] accu]
(nil? obj) accu
(and (empty? other) (empty? accu)) obj
(and (empty? (rest other)) (empty? accu)) (build-node obj (first other))
(class? obj) (recur (rest other) (conj accu (build-node obj (first other))))
:else (recur other (conj accu obj)))))
(defn compile-o-matic [thing]
(if (instance? java.util.List thing)
(if (and (not (coll? (first thing))) (map? (second thing)))
(compile thing)
;;## Event handling helper
(defn bind-event
(reify javafx.event.EventHandler
(handle [_ event] (handler event))))