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2020-06-01 04:01:59 +00:00
(ns com.fulcrologic.rad.rendering.semantic-ui.form
[com.fulcrologic.rad.attributes :as attr]
[com.fulcrologic.rad.options-util :refer [?! narrow-keyword]]
[com.fulcrologic.rad.ui-validation :as validation]
[com.fulcrologic.rad.form :as form]
[com.fulcrologic.rad.control :as control]
[com.fulcrologic.rad.blob :as blob]
[com.fulcrologic.fulcro.dom.events :as evt]
[com.fulcrologic.fulcro-i18n.i18n :refer [tr]]
[com.fulcrologic.fulcro.components :as comp :refer [defsc]]
[com.fulcrologic.fulcro.application :as app]
#?(:cljs [com.fulcrologic.fulcro.dom :as dom :refer [div h3 button i span]]
:clj [com.fulcrologic.fulcro.dom-server :as dom :refer [div h3 button i span]])
[com.fulcrologic.fulcro.dom.html-entities :as ent]
[com.fulcrologic.fulcro.algorithms.form-state :as fs]
[com.fulcrologic.fulcro.algorithms.tempid :as tempid]
[com.fulcrologic.fulcro.algorithms.merge :as merge]
[taoensso.encore :as enc]
[taoensso.timbre :as log]))
(defn render-to-many [{::form/keys [form-instance] :as env} {k ::attr/qualified-key :as attr} {::form/keys [subforms] :as options}]
(let [{:semantic-ui/keys [add-position]
::form/keys [ui title can-delete? can-add? added-via-upload?]} (get subforms k)
form-instance-props (comp/props form-instance)
read-only? (form/read-only? form-instance attr)
add? (if read-only? false (?! can-add? form-instance attr))
delete? (fn [item] (and (not read-only?) (?! can-delete? form-instance item)))
items (get form-instance-props k)
title (?! (or title (some-> ui (comp/component-options ::form/title)) "") form-instance form-instance-props)
invalid? (validation/invalid-attribute-value? env attr)
validation-message (validation/validation-error-message env attr)
add (when (or (nil? add?) add?)
(let [order (if (keyword? add?) add? :append)]
(if (?! added-via-upload? env)
(dom/input {:type "file"
:onChange (fn [evt]
(log/info "UPLOAD FILE!!!")
(let [new-id (tempid/tempid)
js-file (-> evt blob/evt->js-files first)
attributes (comp/component-options ui ::form/attributes)
id-attr (comp/component-options ui ::form/id)
id-key (::attr/qualified-key id-attr)
{::attr/keys [qualified-key] :as sha-attr} (first (filter ::blob/store
target (conj (comp/get-ident form-instance) k)
new-entity (fs/add-form-config ui
{id-key new-id
qualified-key ""})]
(merge/merge-component! form-instance ui new-entity order target)
(blob/upload-file! form-instance sha-attr js-file {:file-ident [id-key new-id]})))})
(button :.ui.tiny.icon.button
{:onClick (fn [_]
(form/add-child! (assoc env
::form/order order
::form/parent-relation k
::form/parent form-instance
::form/child-class ui)))}
(i :.plus.icon)))))
ui-factory (comp/computed-factory ui {:keyfn (fn [item] (-> ui (comp/get-ident item) second str))})]
(div :.ui.container {:key (str k)}
(h3 title (span ent/nbsp ent/nbsp) (when (or (nil? add-position) (= :top add-position)) add))
(when invalid?
(div :.ui.error.message
(if (seq items)
(div :.ui.segments
(fn [props]
(ui-factory props
{::form/parent form-instance
::form/parent-relation k
::form/can-delete? (if delete? (delete? props) false)})))
(div :.ui.message "None."))
(when (= :bottom add-position) add))))
(defn render-to-one [{::form/keys [form-instance] :as env} {k ::attr/qualified-key :as attr} {::form/keys [subforms] :as options}]
(let [{::form/keys [ui can-delete? title]} (get subforms k)
form-props (comp/props form-instance)
props (get form-props k)
title (?! (or title (some-> ui (comp/component-options ::form/title)) "") form-instance form-props)
ui-factory (comp/computed-factory ui)
invalid? (validation/invalid-attribute-value? env attr)
validation-message (validation/validation-error-message env attr)
std-props {::form/nested? true
::form/parent form-instance
::form/parent-relation k
::form/can-delete? (or
(?! can-delete? form-instance form-props)
(div {:key (str k)}
(h3 :.ui.header title)
(when invalid?
(div :.ui.error.message validation-message))
(ui-factory props (merge env std-props)))
(div {:key (str k)}
(h3 :.ui.header title)
(button {:onClick (fn [] (form/add-child! (assoc env
::form/parent-relation k
::form/parent form-instance
::form/child-class ui)))} "Create")))))
(defn standard-ref-container [env {::attr/keys [cardinality] :as attr} options]
(if (= :many cardinality)
(render-to-many env attr options)
(render-to-one env attr options)))
(defn render-single-file [{::form/keys [form-instance] :as env} {k ::attr/qualified-key :as attr} {::form/keys [subforms] :as options}]
(let [{::form/keys [ui can-delete?]} (get subforms k)
parent (comp/props form-instance)
form-props (comp/props form-instance)
props (get form-props k)
ui-factory (comp/computed-factory ui)
label (form/field-label env attr)
std-props {::form/nested? true
::form/parent form-instance
::form/parent-relation k
::form/can-delete? (if can-delete?
(can-delete? parent props)
(if props
(div :.field {:key (str k)}
(dom/label label)
(ui-factory props (merge env std-props)))
(div {:key (str k)}
(div "Upload??? (TODO)")))))
(defsc ManyFiles [this {{::form/keys [form-instance master-form] :as env} :env
{k ::attr/qualified-key :as attr} :attribute
{::form/keys [subforms] :as options} :options}]
{:initLocalState (fn [this] {:input-key (str (rand-int 1000000))})}
(let [{:semantic-ui/keys [add-position]
::form/keys [ui title can-delete? can-add? sort-children]} (get subforms k)
form-instance-props (comp/props form-instance)
read-only? (or
(form/read-only? master-form attr)
(form/read-only? form-instance attr))
add? (if read-only? false (?! can-add? form-instance attr))
delete? (if read-only? false (fn [item] (?! can-delete? form-instance item)))
items (-> form-instance comp/props k
sort-children sort-children))
title (?! (or title (some-> ui (comp/component-options ::form/title)) "") form-instance form-instance-props)
upload-id (str k "-file-upload")
add (when (or (nil? add?) add?)
(dom/label :.ui.green.button {:htmlFor upload-id}
(dom/i :.ui.plus.icon)
"Add File")
(dom/input {:type "file"
;; trick: changing the key on change clears the input, so a failed upload can be retried
:key (comp/get-state this :input-key)
:id upload-id
:style {:zIndex -1
:width "1px"
:height "1px"
:opacity 0}
:onChange (fn [evt]
(let [new-id (tempid/tempid)
js-file (-> evt blob/evt->js-files first)
attributes (comp/component-options ui ::form/attributes)
id-attr (comp/component-options ui ::form/id)
id-key (::attr/qualified-key id-attr)
{::attr/keys [qualified-key] :as sha-attr} (first (filter ::blob/store
target (conj (comp/get-ident form-instance) k)
new-entity (fs/add-form-config ui
{id-key new-id
qualified-key ""})]
(merge/merge-component! form-instance ui new-entity :append target)
(blob/upload-file! form-instance sha-attr js-file {:file-ident [id-key new-id]})
(comp/set-state! this {:input-key (str (rand-int 1000000))})))})))
ui-factory (comp/computed-factory ui {:keyfn (fn [item] (-> ui (comp/get-ident item) second str))})]
(div :.ui.basic.segment {:key (str k)}
(dom/h2 :.ui.header title)
(when (or (nil? add-position) (= :top add-position)) add)
(if (seq items)
(div :.ui.very.relaxed.items
(fn [props]
(ui-factory props
{::form/parent form-instance
::form/parent-relation k
::form/can-delete? (if delete? (?! delete? props) false)})))
(div :.ui.message
(when (= :bottom add-position) add))))
(def ui-many-files (comp/factory ManyFiles {:keyfn (fn [{:keys [attribute]}] (::attr/qualified-key attribute))}))
(defn file-ref-container
[env {::attr/keys [cardinality] :as attr} options]
(if (= :many cardinality)
(ui-many-files {:env env :attribute attr :options options})
(render-single-file env attr options)))
(defn render-attribute [env attr {::form/keys [subforms] :as options}]
(let [{k ::attr/qualified-key} attr]
(if (contains? subforms k)
(let [render-ref (or (form/ref-container-renderer env attr) standard-ref-container)]
(render-ref env attr options))
(form/render-field env attr))))
(def n-fields-string {1 "one field"
2 "two fields"
3 "three fields"
4 "four fields"
5 "five fields"
6 "six fields"
7 "seven fields"})
(def attribute-map (memoize
(fn [attributes]
(fn [m {::attr/keys [qualified-key] :as attr}]
(assoc m qualified-key attr))
(defn- render-layout* [env options k->attribute layout]
(when #?(:clj true :cljs goog.DEBUG)
(when-not (and (vector? layout) (every? vector? layout))
(log/error "::form/layout must be a vector of vectors!")))
(into []
(fn [idx row]
(div {:key idx :className (n-fields-string (count row))}
(mapv (fn [col]
(enc/if-let [_ k->attribute
attr (k->attribute col)]
(render-attribute env attr options)
(if (some-> options ::control/controls (get col))
(control/render-control (::form/form-instance env) col)
(log/error "Missing attribute (or lookup) for" col))))
(catch #?(:clj Exception :cljs :default) _)))
(defn render-layout [env {::form/keys [attributes layout] :as options}]
(let [k->attribute (attribute-map attributes)]
(render-layout* env options k->attribute layout)))
(defsc TabbedLayout [this env {::form/keys [attributes tabbed-layout] :as options}]
{:initLocalState (fn [this]
{:current-tab 0
:tab-details (memoize
(fn [attributes tabbed-layout]
(let [k->attr (attribute-map attributes)
tab-labels (filterv string? tabbed-layout)
tab-label->layout (into {}
(map vec)
(partition 2 (mapv first (partition-by string? tabbed-layout))))]
{:k->attr k->attr
:tab-labels tab-labels
:tab-label->layout tab-label->layout})))}
(catch #?(:clj Exception :cljs :default) _
(log/error "Cannot build tabs for tabbed layout. Check your tabbed-layout options for" (comp/component-name this)))))}
(let [{:keys [tab-details current-tab]} (comp/get-state this)
{:keys [k->attr tab-labels tab-label->layout]} (tab-details attributes tabbed-layout)
active-layout (some->> current-tab
(get tab-labels)
(get tab-label->layout))]
(div {:key (str current-tab)}
(div :.ui.pointing.menu {}
(fn [idx title]
(dom/a :.item
{:key (str idx)
:onClick #(comp/set-state! this {:current-tab idx})
:classes [(when (= current-tab idx) "active")]}
title)) tab-labels))
(div :.ui.segment
(render-layout* env options k->attr active-layout)))))
(def ui-tabbed-layout (comp/computed-factory TabbedLayout))
(declare standard-form-layout-renderer)
(defsc StandardFormContainer [this {::form/keys [props computed-props form-instance master-form] :as env}]
{:shouldComponentUpdate (fn [_ _ _] true)}
(let [{::form/keys [can-delete?]} computed-props
nested? (not= master-form form-instance)
read-only-form? (or
(?! (comp/component-options form-instance ::form/read-only?) form-instance)
(?! (comp/component-options master-form ::form/read-only?) master-form))
invalid? (if read-only-form? false (form/invalid? env))
render-fields (or (form/form-layout-renderer env) standard-form-layout-renderer)]
(when #?(:cljs goog.DEBUG :clj true)
(let [valid? (if read-only-form? true (form/valid? env))
dirty? (if read-only-form? false (or (:ui/new? props) (fs/dirty? props)))]
(log/debug "Form " (comp/component-name form-instance) " valid? " valid?)
(log/debug "Form " (comp/component-name form-instance) " dirty? " dirty?)))
(if nested?
(div :.ui.segment
(div :.ui.form {:classes [(when invalid? "error")]
:key (str (comp/get-ident form-instance))}
(when can-delete?
(button :.ui.icon.primary.right.floated.button {:disabled (not can-delete?)
:onClick (fn []
(form/delete-child! env))}
(i :.times.icon)))
(render-fields env)))
(let [{::form/keys [title action-buttons controls]} (comp/component-options form-instance)
title (?! title form-instance props)
action-buttons (if action-buttons action-buttons form/standard-action-buttons)]
(div :.ui.container {:key (str (comp/get-ident form-instance))}
(div :.ui.top.attached.segment
(dom/h3 :.ui.header
(div :.ui.right.floated.buttons
(keep #(control/render-control master-form %) action-buttons))))
(div :.ui.attached.form {:classes [(when invalid? "error")]}
(div :.ui.error.message (tr "The form has errors and cannot be saved."))
(div :.ui.attached.segment
(render-fields env))))))))
(def standard-form-container (comp/factory StandardFormContainer))
(defn standard-form-layout-renderer [{::form/keys [form-instance] :as env}]
(let [{::form/keys [attributes layout tabbed-layout] :as options} (comp/component-options form-instance)]
(vector? layout) (render-layout env options)
(vector? tabbed-layout) (ui-tabbed-layout env options)
:else (mapv (fn [attr] (render-attribute env attr options)) attributes))))
(defn- file-icon-renderer* [{::form/keys [form-instance] :as env}]
(let [{::form/keys [attributes] :as options} (comp/component-options form-instance)
attribute (first (filter ::blob/store attributes))
sha-key (::attr/qualified-key attribute)
file-key (blob/filename-key sha-key)
url-key (blob/url-key sha-key)
props (comp/props form-instance)
filename (get props file-key "File")
dirty? (fs/dirty? props sha-key)
failed? (blob/failed-upload? props sha-key)
invalid? (validation/invalid-attribute-value? env attribute)
pct (blob/upload-percentage props sha-key)
sha (get props sha-key)
url (get props url-key)]
(if (blob/uploading? props sha-key)
(dom/span :.item {:key (str sha)}
(dom/div :.ui.tiny.image
(dom/i :.huge.file.icon)
(dom/div :.ui.active.red.loader {:style {:marginLeft "-10px"}})
(dom/div :.ui.bottom.attached.blue.progress {:data-percent pct}
(div :.bar {:style {:transitionDuration "300ms"
:width pct}}
(div :.progress ""))))
(div :.middle.aligned.content
(dom/button :.ui.red.icon.button {:onClick (fn []
(app/abort! form-instance sha)
(form/delete-child! env))}
(dom/i :.times.icon)))
((if dirty? dom/span dom/a) :.item
{:target "_blank"
:key (str sha)
:href (str url "?filename=" filename)
:onClick (fn [evt]
#?(:cljs (when-not (or (not (blob/blob-downloadable? props sha-key))
(js/confirm "View/download?"))
(evt/stop-propagation! evt)
(evt/prevent-default! evt))))}
(dom/div :.ui.tiny.image
(if failed?
(dom/i :.huge.skull.crossbones.icon)
(dom/i :.huge.file.icon)))
(div :.middle.aligned.content
(str filename (cond failed? " (Upload failed. Delete and try again.)"
dirty? " (unsaved)")))
(dom/button :.ui.red.icon.button {:onClick (fn [evt]
(evt/stop-propagation! evt)
(evt/prevent-default! evt)
(when #?(:clj true :cljs (js/confirm "Permanently Delete File?"))
(form/delete-child! env)))}
(dom/i :.times.icon))))))
(defn file-icon-renderer [env] (file-icon-renderer* env))