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2020-06-01 04:01:59 +00:00
(ns com.fulcrologic.rad.rendering.semantic-ui.entity-picker
#?(:cljs [com.fulcrologic.fulcro.dom :as dom :refer [div h3 button i span]]
:clj [com.fulcrologic.fulcro.dom-server :as dom :refer [div h3 button i span]])
[com.fulcrologic.rad.rendering.semantic-ui.components :refer [ui-wrapped-dropdown]]
[com.fulcrologic.fulcro.components :as comp :refer [defsc]]
[com.fulcrologic.rad.form :as form]
[com.fulcrologic.rad.attributes :as attr]
[com.fulcrologic.rad.picker-options :as picker-options]
[com.fulcrologic.rad.ui-validation :as validation]
[com.fulcrologic.rad.options-util :refer [?!]]
[taoensso.timbre :as log]))
(defsc ToOnePicker [this {:keys [env attr]}]
{:componentDidMount (fn [this]
(let [{:keys [env attr]} (comp/props this)
form-instance (::form/form-instance env)
props (comp/props form-instance)
form-class (comp/react-type form-instance)]
(picker-options/load-options! form-instance form-class props attr)))}
(let [{::form/keys [master-form form-instance]} env
{::form/keys [attributes field-options]} (comp/component-options form-instance)
{::attr/keys [qualified-key required?]} attr
field-options (get field-options qualified-key)
target-id-key (first (keep (fn [{k ::attr/qualified-key ::attr/keys [target]}]
(when (= k qualified-key) target)) attributes))
{::picker-options/keys [cache-key query-key]} (merge attr field-options)
cache-key (or (?! cache-key (comp/react-type form-instance) (comp/props form-instance)) query-key)
cache-key (or cache-key query-key (log/error "Ref field MUST have either a ::picker-options/cache-key or ::picker-options/query-key in attribute " qualified-key))
props (comp/props form-instance)
options (get-in props [::picker-options/options-cache cache-key :options])
value [target-id-key (get-in props [qualified-key target-id-key])]
field-label (form/field-label env attr)
read-only? (or (form/read-only? master-form attr) (form/read-only? form-instance attr))
invalid? (and (not read-only?) (validation/invalid-attribute-value? env attr))
onSelect (fn [v]
(form/input-changed! env qualified-key v))]
(div :.ui.field {:classes [(when invalid? "error")]}
(dom/label field-label (when invalid? " (Required)"))
(if read-only?
(let [value (first (filter #(= value (:value %)) options))]
(:text value))
(ui-wrapped-dropdown (cond->
{:onChange (fn [v] (onSelect v))
:value value
:clearable (not required?)
:disabled read-only?
:options options}))))))
(let [ui-to-one-picker (comp/factory ToOnePicker {:keyfn (fn [{:keys [attr]}] (::attr/qualified-key attr))})]
(defn to-one-picker [env attribute]
(ui-to-one-picker {:env env
:attr attribute})))
(defsc ToManyPicker [this {:keys [env attr]}]
{:componentDidMount (fn [this]
(let [{:keys [env attr]} (comp/props this)
form-instance (::form/form-instance env)
props (comp/props form-instance)
form-class (comp/react-type form-instance)]
(picker-options/load-options! form-instance form-class props attr)))}
(let [{::form/keys [form-instance]} env
visible? (form/field-visible? form-instance attr)]
(when visible?
(let [{::form/keys [attributes field-options]} (comp/component-options form-instance)
{attr-field-options ::form/field-options
::attr/keys [qualified-key]} attr
field-options (get field-options qualified-key)
target-id-key (first (keep (fn [{k ::attr/qualified-key ::attr/keys [target]}]
(when (= k qualified-key) target)) attributes))
{:keys [style]
::picker-options/keys [cache-key query-key]} (merge attr-field-options field-options)
cache-key (or (?! cache-key (comp/react-type form-instance) (comp/props form-instance)) query-key)
cache-key (or cache-key query-key (log/error "Ref field MUST have either a ::picker-options/cache-key or ::picker-options/query-key in attribute " qualified-key))
props (comp/props form-instance)
options (get-in props [::picker-options/options-cache cache-key :options])
current-selection (into #{}
(keep (fn [entity]
(when-let [id (get entity target-id-key)]
[target-id-key id])))
(get props qualified-key))
field-label (form/field-label env attr)
invalid? (validation/invalid-attribute-value? env attr)
read-only? (form/read-only? form-instance attr)
validation-message (when invalid? (validation/validation-error-message env attr))]
(div :.ui.field {:classes [(when invalid? "error")]}
(dom/label field-label " " (when invalid? validation-message))
(div :.ui.middle.aligned.celled.list.big
{:style {:marginTop "0"}}
(if (= style :dropdown)
{:value current-selection
:multiple true
:disabled read-only?
:options options
:onChange (fn [v] (form/input-changed! env qualified-key v))})
(map (fn [{:keys [text value]}]
(let [checked? (contains? current-selection value)]
(div :.item {:key value}
(div :.content {}
(div :.ui.toggle.checkbox {:style {:marginTop "0"}}
{:type "checkbox"
:checked checked?
:onChange #(if-not checked?
(form/input-changed! env qualified-key (vec (conj current-selection value)))
(form/input-changed! env qualified-key (vec (disj current-selection value))))})
(dom/label text))))))
(def ui-to-many-picker (comp/factory ToManyPicker {:keyfn :id}))
(let [ui-to-many-picker (comp/factory ToManyPicker {:keyfn (fn [{:keys [attr]}] (::attr/qualified-key attr))})]
(defn to-many-picker [env attribute]
(ui-to-many-picker {:env env
:attr attribute})))