/* MIT License Copyright (c) 2017 CK Tan https://github.com/cktan/tomlc99 Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ #define _POSIX_C_SOURCE 200809L #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "toml.h" #ifdef _WIN32 char* strndup(const char* s, size_t n) { size_t len = strnlen(s, n); char* p = malloc(s, len+1); if (p) { memcpy(p, s, len); p[len] = 0; } return p; } #endif /** * Convert a char in utf8 into UCS, and store it in *ret. * Return #bytes consumed or -1 on failure. */ int toml_utf8_to_ucs(const char* orig, int len, int64_t* ret) { const unsigned char* buf = (const unsigned char*) orig; unsigned i = *buf++; int64_t v; /* 0x00000000 - 0x0000007F: 0xxxxxxx */ if (0 == (i >> 7)) { if (len < 1) return -1; v = i; return *ret = v, 1; } /* 0x00000080 - 0x000007FF: 110xxxxx 10xxxxxx */ if (0x6 == (i >> 5)) { if (len < 2) return -1; v = i & 0x1f; i = *(++buf); if (0x2 != (i >> 6)) return -1; v = (v << 6) | (i & 0x3f); return *ret = v, (const char*) buf - orig; } /* 0x00000800 - 0x0000FFFF: 1110xxxx 10xxxxxx 10xxxxxx */ if (0xE == (i >> 4)) { if (len < 3) return -1; v = i & 0x0F; for (int j = 0; j < 2; j++) { i = *(++buf); if (0x2 != (i >> 6)) return -1; v = (v << 6) | (i & 0x3f); } return *ret = v, (const char*) buf - orig; } /* 0x00010000 - 0x001FFFFF: 11110xxx 10xxxxxx 10xxxxxx 10xxxxxx */ if (0x1E == (i >> 3)) { if (len < 4) return -1; v = i & 0x07; for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++) { i = *(++buf); if (0x2 != (i >> 6)) return -1; v = (v << 6) | (i & 0x3f); } return *ret = v, (const char*) buf - orig; } /* 0x00200000 - 0x03FFFFFF: 111110xx 10xxxxxx 10xxxxxx 10xxxxxx 10xxxxxx */ if (0x3E == (i >> 2)) { if (len < 5) return -1; v = i & 0x03; for (int j = 0; j < 4; j++) { i = *(++buf); if (0x2 != (i >> 6)) return -1; v = (v << 6) | (i & 0x3f); } return *ret = v, (const char*) buf - orig; } /* 0x04000000 - 0x7FFFFFFF: 1111110x 10xxxxxx 10xxxxxx 10xxxxxx 10xxxxxx 10xxxxxx */ if (0x7e == (i >> 1)) { if (len < 6) return -1; v = i & 0x01; for (int j = 0; j < 5; j++) { i = *(++buf); if (0x2 != (i >> 6)) return -1; v = (v << 6) | (i & 0x3f); } return *ret = v, (const char*) buf - orig; } return -1; } /** * Convert a UCS char to utf8 code, and return it in buf. * Return #bytes used in buf to encode the char, or * -1 on error. */ int toml_ucs_to_utf8(int64_t code, char buf[6]) { /* http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6240055/manually-converting-unicode-codepoints-into-utf-8-and-utf-16 */ /* The UCS code values 0xd800–0xdfff (UTF-16 surrogates) as well * as 0xfffe and 0xffff (UCS noncharacters) should not appear in * conforming UTF-8 streams. */ if (0xd800 <= code && code <= 0xdfff) return -1; if (0xfffe <= code && code <= 0xffff) return -1; /* 0x00000000 - 0x0000007F: 0xxxxxxx */ if (code < 0) return -1; if (code <= 0x7F) { buf[0] = (unsigned char) code; return 1; } /* 0x00000080 - 0x000007FF: 110xxxxx 10xxxxxx */ if (code <= 0x000007FF) { buf[0] = 0xc0 | (code >> 6); buf[1] = 0x80 | (code & 0x3f); return 2; } /* 0x00000800 - 0x0000FFFF: 1110xxxx 10xxxxxx 10xxxxxx */ if (code <= 0x0000FFFF) { buf[0] = 0xe0 | (code >> 12); buf[1] = 0x80 | ((code >> 6) & 0x3f); buf[2] = 0x80 | (code & 0x3f); return 3; } /* 0x00010000 - 0x001FFFFF: 11110xxx 10xxxxxx 10xxxxxx 10xxxxxx */ if (code <= 0x001FFFFF) { buf[0] = 0xf0 | (code >> 18); buf[1] = 0x80 | ((code >> 12) & 0x3f); buf[2] = 0x80 | ((code >> 6) & 0x3f); buf[3] = 0x80 | (code & 0x3f); return 4; } /* 0x00200000 - 0x03FFFFFF: 111110xx 10xxxxxx 10xxxxxx 10xxxxxx 10xxxxxx */ if (code <= 0x03FFFFFF) { buf[0] = 0xf8 | (code >> 24); buf[1] = 0x80 | ((code >> 18) & 0x3f); buf[2] = 0x80 | ((code >> 12) & 0x3f); buf[3] = 0x80 | ((code >> 6) & 0x3f); buf[4] = 0x80 | (code & 0x3f); return 5; } /* 0x04000000 - 0x7FFFFFFF: 1111110x 10xxxxxx 10xxxxxx 10xxxxxx 10xxxxxx 10xxxxxx */ if (code <= 0x7FFFFFFF) { buf[0] = 0xfc | (code >> 30); buf[1] = 0x80 | ((code >> 24) & 0x3f); buf[2] = 0x80 | ((code >> 18) & 0x3f); buf[3] = 0x80 | ((code >> 12) & 0x3f); buf[4] = 0x80 | ((code >> 6) & 0x3f); buf[5] = 0x80 | (code & 0x3f); return 6; } return -1; } /* * TOML has 3 data structures: value, array, table. * Each of them can have identification key. */ typedef struct toml_keyval_t toml_keyval_t; struct toml_keyval_t { const char* key; /* key to this value */ const char* val; /* the raw value */ }; struct toml_array_t { const char* key; /* key to this array */ int kind; /* element kind: 'v'alue, 'a'rray, or 't'able */ int type; /* for value kind: 'i'nt, 'd'ouble, 'b'ool, 's'tring, 't'ime, 'D'ate, 'T'imestamp */ int nelem; /* number of elements */ union { char** val; toml_array_t** arr; toml_table_t** tab; } u; }; struct toml_table_t { const char* key; /* key to this table */ int implicit; /* table was created implicitly */ /* key-values in the table */ int nkval; toml_keyval_t** kval; /* arrays in the table */ int narr; toml_array_t** arr; /* tables in the table */ int ntab; toml_table_t** tab; }; static inline void xfree(const void* x) { if (x) free((void*)x); } enum tokentype_t { INVALID, DOT, COMMA, EQUAL, LBRACE, RBRACE, NEWLINE, LBRACKET, RBRACKET, STRING, }; typedef enum tokentype_t tokentype_t; typedef struct token_t token_t; struct token_t { tokentype_t tok; int lineno; char* ptr; int len; int eof; }; typedef struct context_t context_t; struct context_t { char* start; char* stop; char* errbuf; int errbufsz; jmp_buf jmp; token_t tok; toml_table_t* root; toml_table_t* curtab; struct { int top; char* key[10]; token_t tok[10]; } tpath; }; #define STRINGIFY(x) #x #define TOSTRING(x) STRINGIFY(x) #define FLINE __FILE__ ":" TOSTRING(__LINE__) static int outofmemory(context_t* ctx, const char* fline); static tokentype_t next_token(context_t* ctx, int dotisspecial); static int internal_error(context_t* ctx, const char* fline) { snprintf(ctx->errbuf, ctx->errbufsz, "internal error (%s)", fline); longjmp(ctx->jmp, 1); return -1; } static int syntax_error(context_t* ctx, int lineno, const char* msg) { snprintf(ctx->errbuf, ctx->errbufsz, "line %d: %s", lineno, msg); longjmp(ctx->jmp, 1); return -1; } static int bad_key_error(context_t* ctx, int lineno) { snprintf(ctx->errbuf, ctx->errbufsz, "line %d: bad key", lineno); longjmp(ctx->jmp, 1); return -1; } /* static int noimpl(context_t* ctx, const char* feature) { snprintf(ctx->errbuf, ctx->errbufsz, "not implemented: %s", feature); longjmp(ctx->jmp, 1); return -1; } */ static int key_exists_error(context_t* ctx, token_t keytok) { char buf[100]; int i; for (i = 0; i < keytok.len && i < (int)sizeof(buf) - 1; i++) { buf[i] = keytok.ptr[i]; } buf[i] = 0; snprintf(ctx->errbuf, ctx->errbufsz, "line %d: key %s exists", keytok.lineno, buf); longjmp(ctx->jmp, 1); return -1; } /* * Convert src to raw unescaped utf-8 string. * Returns NULL if error with errmsg in errbuf. */ static char* normalize_string(const char* src, int srclen, int kill_line_ending_backslash, char* errbuf, int errbufsz) { char* dst = 0; /* will write to dst[] and return it */ int max = 0; /* max size of dst[] */ int off = 0; /* cur offset in dst[] */ const char* sp = src; const char* sq = src + srclen; int ch; /* scan forward on src */ for (;;) { if (off >= max - 10) { /* have some slack for misc stuff */ char* x = realloc(dst, max += 100); if (!x) { xfree(dst); snprintf(errbuf, errbufsz, "out of memory"); return 0; } dst = x; } /* finished? */ if (sp >= sq) break; ch = *sp++; if (ch != '\\') { // a plain copy suffice dst[off++] = ch; continue; } /* ch was backslash. we expect the escape char. */ if (sp >= sq) { snprintf(errbuf, errbufsz, "last backslash is invalid"); free(dst); return 0; } /* if we want to kill line-ending-backslash ... */ if (kill_line_ending_backslash) { /* if this is a newline immediately following the backslash ... */ if (*sp == '\n' || (*sp == '\r' && sp[1] == '\n')) { /* skip all the following whitespaces */ sp += strspn(sp, " \t\r\n"); continue; } } /* get the escaped char */ ch = *sp++; switch (ch) { case 'u': case 'U': { int64_t ucs = 0; int nhex = (ch == 'u' ? 4 : 8); for (int i = 0; i < nhex; i++) { if (sp >= sq) { snprintf(errbuf, errbufsz, "\\%c expects %d hex chars", ch, nhex); free(dst); return 0; } ch = *sp++; int v = ('0' <= ch && ch <= '9') ? ch - '0' : (('A' <= ch && ch <= 'F') ? ch - 'A' + 10 : -1); if (-1 == v) { snprintf(errbuf, errbufsz, "invalid hex chars for \\u or \\U"); free(dst); return 0; } ucs = ucs * 16 + v; } int n = toml_ucs_to_utf8(ucs, &dst[off]); if (-1 == n) { snprintf(errbuf, errbufsz, "illegal ucs code in \\u or \\U"); free(dst); return 0; } off += n; } continue; case 'b': ch = '\b'; break; case 't': ch = '\t'; break; case 'n': ch = '\n'; break; case 'f': ch = '\f'; break; case 'r': ch = '\r'; break; case '"': ch = '"'; break; case '\\': ch = '\\'; break; default: snprintf(errbuf, errbufsz, "illegal escape char \\%c", ch); free(dst); return 0; } dst[off++] = ch; } // Cap with NUL and return it. dst[off++] = 0; return dst; } /* Normalize a key. Convert all special chars to raw unescaped utf-8 chars. */ static char* normalize_key(context_t* ctx, token_t strtok) { const char* sp = strtok.ptr; const char* sq = strtok.ptr + strtok.len; int lineno = strtok.lineno; char* ret; int ch = *sp; char ebuf[80]; /* handle quoted string */ if (ch == '\'' || ch == '\"') { /* if ''' or """, take 3 chars off front and back. Else, take 1 char off. */ if (sp[1] == ch && sp[2] == ch) sp += 3, sq -= 3; else sp++, sq--; if (ch == '\'') { /* for single quote, take it verbatim. */ if (! (ret = strndup(sp, sq - sp))) outofmemory(ctx, FLINE); } else { /* for double quote, we need to normalize */ ret = normalize_string(sp, sq - sp, 0, ebuf, sizeof(ebuf)); if (!ret) { snprintf(ctx->errbuf, ctx->errbufsz, "line %d: %s", lineno, ebuf); longjmp(ctx->jmp, 1); } } /* newlines are not allowed in keys */ if (strchr(ret, '\n')) { free(ret); bad_key_error(ctx, lineno); } return ret; } /* for bare-key allow only this regex: [A-Za-z0-9_-]+ */ const char* xp; for (xp = sp; xp != sq; xp++) { int k = *xp; if (isalnum(k)) continue; if (k == '_' || k == '-') continue; bad_key_error(ctx, lineno); } /* dup and return it */ if (! (ret = strndup(sp, sq - sp))) outofmemory(ctx, FLINE); return ret; } /* * Look up key in tab. Return 0 if not found, or * 'v'alue, 'a'rray or 't'able depending on the element. */ static int check_key(toml_table_t* tab, const char* key, toml_keyval_t** ret_val, toml_array_t** ret_arr, toml_table_t** ret_tab) { int i; void* dummy; if (!ret_tab) ret_tab = (toml_table_t**) &dummy; if (!ret_arr) ret_arr = (toml_array_t**) &dummy; if (!ret_val) ret_val = (toml_keyval_t**) &dummy; *ret_tab = 0; *ret_arr = 0; *ret_val = 0; for (i = 0; i < tab->nkval; i++) { if (0 == strcmp(key, tab->kval[i]->key)) { *ret_val = tab->kval[i]; return 'v'; } } for (i = 0; i < tab->narr; i++) { if (0 == strcmp(key, tab->arr[i]->key)) { *ret_arr = tab->arr[i]; return 'a'; } } for (i = 0; i < tab->ntab; i++) { if (0 == strcmp(key, tab->tab[i]->key)) { *ret_tab = tab->tab[i]; return 't'; } } return 0; } /* Create a keyval in the table. */ static toml_keyval_t* create_keyval_in_table(context_t* ctx, toml_table_t* tab, token_t keytok) { /* first, normalize the key to be used for lookup. * remember to free it if we error out. */ char* newkey = normalize_key(ctx, keytok); /* if key exists: error out. */ toml_keyval_t* dest = 0; if (check_key(tab, newkey, 0, 0, 0)) { free(newkey); key_exists_error(ctx, keytok); } /* make a new entry */ int n = tab->nkval; toml_keyval_t** base; if (0 == (base = (toml_keyval_t**) realloc(tab->kval, (n+1) * sizeof(*base)))) { free(newkey); outofmemory(ctx, FLINE); } tab->kval = base; if (0 == (base[n] = (toml_keyval_t*) calloc(1, sizeof(*base[n])))) { free(newkey); outofmemory(ctx, FLINE); } dest = tab->kval[tab->nkval++]; /* save the key in the new value struct */ dest->key = newkey; return dest; } /* Create a table in the table. */ static toml_table_t* create_keytable_in_table(context_t* ctx, toml_table_t* tab, token_t keytok) { /* first, normalize the key to be used for lookup. * remember to free it if we error out. */ char* newkey = normalize_key(ctx, keytok); /* if key exists: error out */ toml_table_t* dest = 0; if (check_key(tab, newkey, 0, 0, &dest)) { free(newkey); /* don't need this anymore */ /* special case: if table exists, but was created implicitly ... */ if (dest && dest->implicit) { /* we make it explicit now, and simply return it. */ dest->implicit = 0; return dest; } key_exists_error(ctx, keytok); } /* create a new table entry */ int n = tab->ntab; toml_table_t** base; if (0 == (base = (toml_table_t**) realloc(tab->tab, (n+1) * sizeof(*base)))) { free(newkey); outofmemory(ctx, FLINE); } tab->tab = base; if (0 == (base[n] = (toml_table_t*) calloc(1, sizeof(*base[n])))) { free(newkey); outofmemory(ctx, FLINE); } dest = tab->tab[tab->ntab++]; /* save the key in the new table struct */ dest->key = newkey; return dest; } /* Create an array in the table. */ static toml_array_t* create_keyarray_in_table(context_t* ctx, toml_table_t* tab, token_t keytok, int skip_if_exist) { /* first, normalize the key to be used for lookup. * remember to free it if we error out. */ char* newkey = normalize_key(ctx, keytok); /* if key exists: error out */ toml_array_t* dest = 0; if (check_key(tab, newkey, 0, &dest, 0)) { free(newkey); /* don't need this anymore */ /* special case skip if exists? */ if (skip_if_exist) return dest; key_exists_error(ctx, keytok); } /* make a new array entry */ int n = tab->narr; toml_array_t** base; if (0 == (base = (toml_array_t**) realloc(tab->arr, (n+1) * sizeof(*base)))) { free(newkey); outofmemory(ctx, FLINE); } tab->arr = base; if (0 == (base[n] = (toml_array_t*) calloc(1, sizeof(*base[n])))) { free(newkey); outofmemory(ctx, FLINE); } dest = tab->arr[tab->narr++]; /* save the key in the new array struct */ dest->key = newkey; return dest; } /* Create an array in an array */ static toml_array_t* create_array_in_array(context_t* ctx, toml_array_t* parent) { int n = parent->nelem; toml_array_t** base; if (0 == (base = (toml_array_t**) realloc(parent->u.arr, (n+1) * sizeof(*base)))) { outofmemory(ctx, FLINE); } parent->u.arr = base; if (0 == (base[n] = (toml_array_t*) calloc(1, sizeof(*base[n])))) { outofmemory(ctx, FLINE); } return parent->u.arr[parent->nelem++]; } /* Create a table in an array */ static toml_table_t* create_table_in_array(context_t* ctx, toml_array_t* parent) { int n = parent->nelem; toml_table_t** base; if (0 == (base = (toml_table_t**) realloc(parent->u.tab, (n+1) * sizeof(*base)))) { outofmemory(ctx, FLINE); } parent->u.tab = base; if (0 == (base[n] = (toml_table_t*) calloc(1, sizeof(*base[n])))) { outofmemory(ctx, FLINE); } return parent->u.tab[parent->nelem++]; } #define SKIP_NEWLINES(ctx) while (ctx->tok.tok == NEWLINE) next_token(ctx, 0) #define EAT_TOKEN(ctx, typ) \ if ((ctx)->tok.tok != typ) internal_error(ctx, FLINE); else next_token(ctx, 0) static void parse_keyval(context_t* ctx, toml_table_t* tab); /* We are at '{ ... }'. * Parse the table. */ static void parse_table(context_t* ctx, toml_table_t* tab) { EAT_TOKEN(ctx, LBRACE); for (;;) { SKIP_NEWLINES(ctx); /* until } */ if (ctx->tok.tok == RBRACE) break; switch (ctx->tok.tok) { case STRING: parse_keyval(ctx, tab); break; default: syntax_error(ctx, ctx->tok.lineno, "syntax error"); } SKIP_NEWLINES(ctx); /* on comma, continue to scan for next keyval */ if (ctx->tok.tok == COMMA) { EAT_TOKEN(ctx, COMMA); continue; } break; } if (ctx->tok.tok != RBRACE) syntax_error(ctx, ctx->tok.lineno, "syntax error"); EAT_TOKEN(ctx, RBRACE); } static int valtype(const char* val) { toml_timestamp_t ts; if (*val == '\'' || *val == '"') return 's'; if (0 == toml_rtob(val, 0)) return 'b'; if (0 == toml_rtoi(val, 0)) return 'i'; if (0 == toml_rtod(val, 0)) return 'd'; if (0 == toml_rtots(val, &ts)) { if (ts.year && ts.hour) return 'T'; /* timestamp */ if (ts.year) return 'D'; /* date */ return 't'; /* time */ } return 'u'; /* unknown */ } /* We are at '[...]' */ static void parse_array(context_t* ctx, toml_array_t* arr) { EAT_TOKEN(ctx, LBRACKET); for (;;) { SKIP_NEWLINES(ctx); /* until ] */ if (ctx->tok.tok == RBRACKET) break; switch (ctx->tok.tok) { case STRING: { char* val = ctx->tok.ptr; int vlen = ctx->tok.len; /* set array kind if this will be the first entry */ if (arr->kind == 0) arr->kind = 'v'; /* check array kind */ if (arr->kind != 'v') { syntax_error(ctx, ctx->tok.lineno, "a string array can only contain strings"); } /* make a new value in array */ char** tmp = (char**) realloc(arr->u.val, (arr->nelem+1) * sizeof(*tmp)); if (!tmp) outofmemory(ctx, FLINE); arr->u.val = tmp; if (! (val = strndup(val, vlen))) outofmemory(ctx, FLINE); arr->u.val[arr->nelem++] = val; /* set array type if this is the first entry, or check that the types matched. */ if (arr->nelem == 1) arr->type = valtype(arr->u.val[0]); else if (arr->type != valtype(val)) syntax_error(ctx, ctx->tok.lineno, "array type mismatch"); EAT_TOKEN(ctx, STRING); break; } case LBRACKET: { /* [ [array], [array] ... ] */ /* set the array kind if this will be the first entry */ if (arr->kind == 0) arr->kind = 'a'; /* check array kind */ if (arr->kind != 'a') { syntax_error(ctx, ctx->tok.lineno, "array type mismatch"); } parse_array(ctx, create_array_in_array(ctx, arr)); break; } case LBRACE: { /* [ {table}, {table} ... ] */ /* set the array kind if this will be the first entry */ if (arr->kind == 0) arr->kind = 't'; /* check array kind */ if (arr->kind != 't') { syntax_error(ctx, ctx->tok.lineno, "array type mismatch"); } parse_table(ctx, create_table_in_array(ctx, arr)); break; } default: syntax_error(ctx, ctx->tok.lineno, "syntax error"); } SKIP_NEWLINES(ctx); /* on comma, continue to scan for next element */ if (ctx->tok.tok == COMMA) { EAT_TOKEN(ctx, COMMA); continue; } break; } if (ctx->tok.tok != RBRACKET) syntax_error(ctx, ctx->tok.lineno, "syntax error"); EAT_TOKEN(ctx, RBRACKET); } /* handle lines like these: key = "value" key = [ array ] key = { table } */ static void parse_keyval(context_t* ctx, toml_table_t* tab) { if (ctx->tok.tok != STRING) internal_error(ctx, FLINE); token_t key = ctx->tok; EAT_TOKEN(ctx, STRING); if (ctx->tok.tok != EQUAL) syntax_error(ctx, ctx->tok.lineno, "missing ="); EAT_TOKEN(ctx, EQUAL); switch (ctx->tok.tok) { case STRING: { /* key = "value" */ toml_keyval_t* keyval = create_keyval_in_table(ctx, tab, key); token_t val = ctx->tok; assert(keyval->val == 0); keyval->val = strndup(val.ptr, val.len); if (! keyval->val) outofmemory(ctx, FLINE); EAT_TOKEN(ctx, STRING); return; } case LBRACKET: { /* key = [ array ] */ toml_array_t* arr = create_keyarray_in_table(ctx, tab, key, 0); parse_array(ctx, arr); return; } case LBRACE: { /* key = { table } */ toml_table_t* nxttab = create_keytable_in_table(ctx, tab, key); parse_table(ctx, nxttab); return; } default: syntax_error(ctx, ctx->tok.lineno, "syntax error"); } } typedef struct tabpath_t tabpath_t; struct tabpath_t { int cnt; token_t key[10]; }; /* at [x.y.z] or [[x.y.z]] * Scan forward and fill tabpath until it enters ] or ]] * There will be at least one entry on return. */ static void fill_tabpath(context_t* ctx) { int lineno = ctx->tok.lineno; int i; /* clear tpath */ for (i = 0; i < ctx->tpath.top; i++) { char** p = &ctx->tpath.key[i]; xfree(*p); *p = 0; } ctx->tpath.top = 0; for (;;) { if (ctx->tpath.top >= 10) syntax_error(ctx, lineno, "table path is too deep; max allowed is 10."); if (ctx->tok.tok != STRING) syntax_error(ctx, lineno, "invalid or missing key"); ctx->tpath.tok[ctx->tpath.top] = ctx->tok; ctx->tpath.key[ctx->tpath.top] = normalize_key(ctx, ctx->tok); ctx->tpath.top++; next_token(ctx, 1); if (ctx->tok.tok == RBRACKET) break; if (ctx->tok.tok != DOT) syntax_error(ctx, lineno, "invalid key"); next_token(ctx, 1); } if (ctx->tpath.top <= 0) { syntax_error(ctx, lineno, "empty table selector"); } } /* Walk tabpath from the root, and create new tables on the way. * Sets ctx->curtab to the final table. */ static void walk_tabpath(context_t* ctx) { /* start from root */ toml_table_t* curtab = ctx->root; for (int i = 0; i < ctx->tpath.top; i++) { const char* key = ctx->tpath.key[i]; toml_keyval_t* nextval = 0; toml_array_t* nextarr = 0; toml_table_t* nexttab = 0; switch (check_key(curtab, key, &nextval, &nextarr, &nexttab)) { case 't': /* found a table. nexttab is where we will go next. */ break; case 'a': /* found an array. nexttab is the last table in the array. */ if (nextarr->kind != 't') internal_error(ctx, FLINE); if (nextarr->nelem == 0) internal_error(ctx, FLINE); nexttab = nextarr->u.tab[nextarr->nelem-1]; break; case 'v': key_exists_error(ctx, ctx->tpath.tok[i]); break; default: { /* Not found. Let's create an implicit table. */ int n = curtab->ntab; toml_table_t** base = (toml_table_t**) realloc(curtab->tab, (n+1) * sizeof(*base)); if (0 == base) outofmemory(ctx, FLINE); curtab->tab = base; if (0 == (base[n] = (toml_table_t*) calloc(1, sizeof(*base[n])))) outofmemory(ctx, FLINE); if (0 == (base[n]->key = strdup(key))) outofmemory(ctx, FLINE); nexttab = curtab->tab[curtab->ntab++]; /* tabs created by walk_tabpath are considered implicit */ nexttab->implicit = 1; } break; } /* switch to next tab */ curtab = nexttab; } /* save it */ ctx->curtab = curtab; } /* handle lines like [x.y.z] or [[x.y.z]] */ static void parse_select(context_t* ctx) { int count_lbracket = 0; if (ctx->tok.tok != LBRACKET) internal_error(ctx, FLINE); count_lbracket++; next_token(ctx, 1 /* DOT IS SPECIAL */); if (ctx->tok.tok == LBRACKET) { count_lbracket++; next_token(ctx, 1 /* DOT IS SPECIAL */); } fill_tabpath(ctx); /* For [x.y.z] or [[x.y.z]], remove z from tpath. */ token_t z = ctx->tpath.tok[ctx->tpath.top-1]; free(ctx->tpath.key[ctx->tpath.top-1]); ctx->tpath.top--; walk_tabpath(ctx); if (count_lbracket == 1) { /* [x.y.z] -> create z = {} in x.y */ ctx->curtab = create_keytable_in_table(ctx, ctx->curtab, z); } else { /* [[x.y.z]] -> create z = [] in x.y */ toml_array_t* arr = create_keyarray_in_table(ctx, ctx->curtab, z, 1 /*skip_if_exist*/); if (arr->kind == 0) arr->kind = 't'; if (arr->kind != 't') syntax_error(ctx, z.lineno, "array mismatch"); /* add to z[] */ toml_table_t* dest; { int n = arr->nelem; toml_table_t** base = realloc(arr->u.tab, (n+1) * sizeof(*base)); if (0 == base) outofmemory(ctx, FLINE); arr->u.tab = base; if (0 == (base[n] = calloc(1, sizeof(*base[n])))) outofmemory(ctx, FLINE); if (0 == (base[n]->key = strdup("__anon__"))) outofmemory(ctx, FLINE); dest = arr->u.tab[arr->nelem++]; } ctx->curtab = dest; } if (ctx->tok.tok != RBRACKET) syntax_error(ctx, ctx->tok.lineno, "expects ]"); EAT_TOKEN(ctx, RBRACKET); if (count_lbracket == 2) { if (ctx->tok.tok != RBRACKET) syntax_error(ctx, ctx->tok.lineno, "expects ]]"); EAT_TOKEN(ctx, RBRACKET); } if (ctx->tok.tok != NEWLINE) syntax_error(ctx, ctx->tok.lineno, "extra chars after ] or ]]"); } toml_table_t* toml_parse(char* conf, char* errbuf, int errbufsz) { context_t ctx; // clear errbuf if (errbufsz <= 0) errbufsz = 0; if (errbufsz > 0) errbuf[0] = 0; // init context memset(&ctx, 0, sizeof(ctx)); ctx.start = conf; ctx.stop = ctx.start + strlen(conf); ctx.errbuf = errbuf; ctx.errbufsz = errbufsz; // start with an artificial newline of length 0 ctx.tok.tok = NEWLINE; ctx.tok.lineno = 1; ctx.tok.ptr = conf; ctx.tok.len = 0; // make a root table if (0 == (ctx.root = calloc(1, sizeof(*ctx.root)))) { outofmemory(&ctx, FLINE); return 0; } // set root as default table ctx.curtab = ctx.root; if (0 != setjmp(ctx.jmp)) { // Got here from a long_jmp. Something bad has happened. // Free resources and return error. for (int i = 0; i < ctx.tpath.top; i++) xfree(ctx.tpath.key[i]); toml_free(ctx.root); return 0; } /* Scan forward until EOF */ for (token_t tok = ctx.tok; ! tok.eof ; tok = ctx.tok) { switch (tok.tok) { case NEWLINE: next_token(&ctx, 1); break; case STRING: parse_keyval(&ctx, ctx.curtab); if (ctx.tok.tok != NEWLINE) syntax_error(&ctx, ctx.tok.lineno, "extra chars after value"); EAT_TOKEN(&ctx, NEWLINE); break; case LBRACKET: /* [ x.y.z ] or [[ x.y.z ]] */ parse_select(&ctx); break; default: snprintf(ctx.errbuf, ctx.errbufsz, "line %d: syntax error", tok.lineno); longjmp(ctx.jmp, 1); } } /* success */ for (int i = 0; i < ctx.tpath.top; i++) xfree(ctx.tpath.key[i]); return ctx.root; } toml_table_t* toml_parse_file(FILE* fp, char* errbuf, int errbufsz) { int bufsz = 0; char* buf = 0; int off = 0; /* read from fp into buf */ while (! feof(fp)) { bufsz += 100; /* Allocate 1 extra byte because we will tag on a NUL */ char* x = realloc(buf, bufsz + 1); if (!x) { snprintf(errbuf, errbufsz, "out of memory"); xfree(buf); return 0; } buf = x; errno = 0; int n = fread(buf + off, 1, bufsz - off, fp); if (ferror(fp)) { snprintf(errbuf, errbufsz, "%s", errno ? strerror(errno) : "Error reading file"); free(buf); return 0; } off += n; } /* tag on a NUL to cap the string */ buf[off] = 0; /* we accounted for this byte in the realloc() above. */ /* parse it, cleanup and finish */ toml_table_t* ret = toml_parse(buf, errbuf, errbufsz); free(buf); return ret; } static void xfree_kval(toml_keyval_t* p) { if (!p) return; xfree(p->key); xfree(p->val); xfree(p); } static void xfree_tab(toml_table_t* p); static void xfree_arr(toml_array_t* p) { if (!p) return; xfree(p->key); switch (p->kind) { case 'v': for (int i = 0; i < p->nelem; i++) xfree(p->u.val[i]); xfree(p->u.val); break; case 'a': for (int i = 0; i < p->nelem; i++) xfree_arr(p->u.arr[i]); xfree(p->u.arr); break; case 't': for (int i = 0; i < p->nelem; i++) xfree_tab(p->u.tab[i]); xfree(p->u.tab); break; } xfree(p); } static void xfree_tab(toml_table_t* p) { int i; if (!p) return; xfree(p->key); for (i = 0; i < p->nkval; i++) xfree_kval(p->kval[i]); xfree(p->kval); for (i = 0; i < p->narr; i++) xfree_arr(p->arr[i]); xfree(p->arr); for (i = 0; i < p->ntab; i++) xfree_tab(p->tab[i]); xfree(p->tab); xfree(p); } void toml_free(toml_table_t* tab) { xfree_tab(tab); } static tokentype_t ret_token(context_t* ctx, tokentype_t tok, int lineno, char* ptr, int len) { token_t t; t.tok = tok; t.lineno = lineno; t.ptr = ptr; t.len = len; t.eof = 0; ctx->tok = t; return tok; } static tokentype_t ret_eof(context_t* ctx, int lineno) { ret_token(ctx, NEWLINE, lineno, ctx->stop, 0); ctx->tok.eof = 1; return ctx->tok.tok; } static tokentype_t scan_string(context_t* ctx, char* p, int lineno, int dotisspecial) { char* orig = p; if (0 == strncmp(p, "'''", 3)) { p = strstr(p + 3, "'''"); if (0 == p) syntax_error(ctx, lineno, "unterminated triple-s-quote"); return ret_token(ctx, STRING, lineno, orig, p + 3 - orig); } if (0 == strncmp(p, "\"\"\"", 3)) { int hexreq = 0; /* #hex required */ int escape = 0; int qcnt = 0; /* count quote */ for (p += 3; *p && qcnt < 3; p++) { if (escape) { escape = 0; if (strchr("btnfr\"\\", *p)) continue; if (*p == 'u') { hexreq = 4; continue; } if (*p == 'U') { hexreq = 8; continue; } if (*p == '\n') continue; /* allow for line ending backslash */ syntax_error(ctx, lineno, "bad escape char"); } if (hexreq) { hexreq--; if (strchr("0123456789ABCDEF", *p)) continue; syntax_error(ctx, lineno, "expect hex char"); } if (*p == '\\') { escape = 1; continue; } qcnt = (*p == '"') ? qcnt + 1 : 0; } if (qcnt != 3) syntax_error(ctx, lineno, "unterminated triple-quote"); return ret_token(ctx, STRING, lineno, orig, p - orig); } if ('\'' == *p) { for (p++; *p && *p != '\n' && *p != '\''; p++); if (*p != '\'') syntax_error(ctx, lineno, "unterminated s-quote"); return ret_token(ctx, STRING, lineno, orig, p + 1 - orig); } if ('\"' == *p) { int hexreq = 0; /* #hex required */ int escape = 0; for (p++; *p; p++) { if (escape) { escape = 0; if (strchr("btnfr\"\\", *p)) continue; if (*p == 'u') { hexreq = 4; continue; } if (*p == 'U') { hexreq = 8; continue; } syntax_error(ctx, lineno, "bad escape char"); } if (hexreq) { hexreq--; if (strchr("0123456789ABCDEF", *p)) continue; syntax_error(ctx, lineno, "expect hex char"); } if (*p == '\\') { escape = 1; continue; } if (*p == '\n') break; if (*p == '"') break; } if (*p != '"') syntax_error(ctx, lineno, "unterminated quote"); return ret_token(ctx, STRING, lineno, orig, p + 1 - orig); } for ( ; *p && *p != '\n'; p++) { int ch = *p; if (ch == '.' && dotisspecial) break; if ('A' <= ch && ch <= 'Z') continue; if ('a' <= ch && ch <= 'z') continue; if ('0' <= ch && ch <= '9') continue; if (strchr("+-_.:", ch)) continue; break; } return ret_token(ctx, STRING, lineno, orig, p - orig); } static tokentype_t next_token(context_t* ctx, int dotisspecial) { int lineno = ctx->tok.lineno; char* p = ctx->tok.ptr; int i; /* eat this tok */ for (i = 0; i < ctx->tok.len; i++) { if (*p++ == '\n') lineno++; } /* make next tok */ while (p < ctx->stop) { /* skip comment. stop just before the \n. */ if (*p == '#') { for (p++; p < ctx->stop && *p != '\n'; p++); continue; } if (dotisspecial && *p == '.') return ret_token(ctx, DOT, lineno, p, 1); switch (*p) { case ',': return ret_token(ctx, COMMA, lineno, p, 1); case '=': return ret_token(ctx, EQUAL, lineno, p, 1); case '{': return ret_token(ctx, LBRACE, lineno, p, 1); case '}': return ret_token(ctx, RBRACE, lineno, p, 1); case '[': return ret_token(ctx, LBRACKET, lineno, p, 1); case ']': return ret_token(ctx, RBRACKET, lineno, p, 1); case '\n': return ret_token(ctx, NEWLINE, lineno, p, 1); case '\r': case ' ': case '\t': /* ignore white spaces */ p++; continue; } return scan_string(ctx, p, lineno, dotisspecial); } return ret_eof(ctx, lineno); } static int outofmemory(context_t* ctx, const char* fline) { snprintf(ctx->errbuf, ctx->errbufsz, "ERROR: out of memory (%s)", fline); return -1; } const char* toml_key_in(toml_table_t* tab, int keyidx) { if (keyidx < tab->nkval) return tab->kval[keyidx]->key; keyidx -= tab->nkval; if (keyidx < tab->narr) return tab->arr[keyidx]->key; keyidx -= tab->narr; if (keyidx < tab->ntab) return tab->tab[keyidx]->key; return 0; } const char* toml_raw_in(toml_table_t* tab, const char* key) { int i; for (i = 0; i < tab->nkval; i++) { if (0 == strcmp(key, tab->kval[i]->key)) return tab->kval[i]->val; } return 0; } toml_array_t* toml_array_in(toml_table_t* tab, const char* key) { int i; for (i = 0; i < tab->narr; i++) { if (0 == strcmp(key, tab->arr[i]->key)) return tab->arr[i]; } return 0; } toml_table_t* toml_table_in(toml_table_t* tab, const char* key) { int i; for (i = 0; i < tab->ntab; i++) { if (0 == strcmp(key, tab->tab[i]->key)) return tab->tab[i]; } return 0; } const char* toml_raw_at(toml_array_t* arr, int idx) { if (arr->kind != 'v') return 0; if (! (0 <= idx && idx < arr->nelem)) return 0; return arr->u.val[idx]; } char toml_array_kind(toml_array_t* arr) { return arr->kind; } toml_array_t* toml_array_at(toml_array_t* arr, int idx) { if (arr->kind != 'a') return 0; if (! (0 <= idx && idx < arr->nelem)) return 0; return arr->u.arr[idx]; } toml_table_t* toml_table_at(toml_array_t* arr, int idx) { if (arr->kind != 't') return 0; if (! (0 <= idx && idx < arr->nelem)) return 0; return arr->u.tab[idx]; } int toml_rtots(const char* src_, toml_timestamp_t* ret) { if (! src_) return -1; const char* p = src_; const char* q = src_ + strlen(src_); int64_t val; int i; memset(ret, 0, sizeof(*ret)); /* parse date */ val = 0; if (q - p > 4 && p[4] == '-') { for (i = 0; i < 10; i++, p++) { int xx = *p; if (xx == '-') { if (i == 4 || i == 7) continue; else return -1; } if (! ('0' <= xx && xx <= '9')) return -1; val = val * 10 + (xx - '0'); } ret->day = &ret->__buffer.day; ret->month = &ret->__buffer.month; ret->year = &ret->__buffer.year; *ret->day = val % 100; val /= 100; *ret->month = val % 100; val /= 100; *ret->year = val; if (*p) { if (*p != 'T') return -1; p++; } } if (q == p) return 0; /* parse time */ val = 0; if (q - p < 8) return -1; for (i = 0; i < 8; i++, p++) { int xx = *p; if (xx == ':') { if (i == 2 || i == 5) continue; else return -1; } if (! ('0' <= xx && xx <= '9')) return -1; val = val * 10 + (xx - '0'); } ret->second = &ret->__buffer.second; ret->minute = &ret->__buffer.minute; ret->hour = &ret->__buffer.hour; *ret->second = val % 100; val /= 100; *ret->minute = val % 100; val /= 100; *ret->hour = val; /* skip fractional second */ if (*p == '.') for (p++; '0' <= *p && *p <= '9'; p++); if (q == p) return 0; /* parse and copy Z */ ret->z = ret->__buffer.z; char* z = ret->z; if (*p == 'Z') { *z++ = *p++; *z = 0; return (p == q) ? 0 : -1; } if (*p == '+' || *p == '-') { *z++ = *p++; if (! (isdigit(p[0]) && isdigit(p[1]))) return -1; *z++ = *p++; *z++ = *p++; if (*p == ':') { *z++ = *p++; if (! (isdigit(p[0]) && isdigit(p[1]))) return -1; *z++ = *p++; *z++ = *p++; } *z = 0; } return (p == q) ? 0 : -1; } /* Raw to boolean */ int toml_rtob(const char* src, int* ret_) { if (!src) return -1; int dummy; int* ret = ret_ ? ret_ : &dummy; if (0 == strcmp(src, "true")) { *ret = 1; return 0; } if (0 == strcmp(src, "false")) { *ret = 0; return 0; } return -1; } /* Raw to integer */ int toml_rtoi(const char* src, int64_t* ret_) { if (!src) return -1; char buf[100]; char* p = buf; char* q = p + sizeof(buf); const char* s = src; int64_t dummy; int64_t* ret = ret_ ? ret_ : &dummy; if (*s == '+') *p++ = *s++; else if (*s == '-') *p++ = *s++; /* if 0 ... */ if ('0' == s[0]) { /* ensure no other digits after it */ if (s[1]) return -1; return *ret = 0, 0; } /* just strip underscores and pass to strtoll */ while (*s && p < q) { int ch = *s++; if (ch == '_') ; else *p++ = ch; } if (*s || p == q) return -1; /* cap with NUL */ *p = 0; /* Run strtoll on buf to get the integer */ char* endp; errno = 0; *ret = strtoll(buf, &endp, 0); return (errno || *endp) ? -1 : 0; } int toml_rtod(const char* src, double* ret_) { if (!src) return -1; char buf[100]; char* p = buf; char* q = p + sizeof(buf); const char* s = src; double dummy; double* ret = ret_ ? ret_ : &dummy; /* check for special cases */ if (s[0] == '+' || s[0] == '-') *p++ = *s++; if (s[0] == '.') return -1; /* no leading zero */ if (s[0] == '0') { /* zero must be followed by . or NUL */ if (s[1] && s[1] != '.') return -1; } /* just strip underscores and pass to strtod */ while (*s && p < q) { int ch = *s++; if (ch == '_') ; else *p++ = ch; } if (*s || p == q) return -1; if (p != buf && p[-1] == '.') return -1; /* no trailing zero */ /* cap with NUL */ *p = 0; /* Run strtod on buf to get the value */ char* endp; errno = 0; *ret = strtod(buf, &endp); return (errno || *endp) ? -1 : 0; } static char* kill_line_ending_backslash(char* str) { if (!str) return 0; /* first round: find (backslash, \n) */ char* p = str; while (0 != (p = strstr(p, "\\\n"))) { char* q = (p + 1); q += strspn(q, " \t\r\n"); memmove(p, q, strlen(q) + 1); } /* second round: find (backslash, \r, \n) */ p = str; while (0 != (p = strstr(p, "\\\r\n"))) { char* q = (p + 1); q += strspn(q, " \t\r\n"); memmove(p, q, strlen(q) + 1); } return str; } int toml_rtos(const char* src, char** ret) { if (!src) return -1; if (*src != '\'' && *src != '"') return -1; *ret = 0; int srclen = strlen(src); if (*src == '\'') { if (0 == strncmp(src, "'''", 3)) { const char* sp = src + 3; const char* sq = src + srclen - 3; /* last 3 chars in src must be ''' */ if (! (sp <= sq && 0 == strcmp(sq, "'''"))) return -1; /* skip first new line right after ''' */ if (*sp == '\n') sp++; else if (sp[0] == '\r' && sp[1] == '\n') sp += 2; *ret = kill_line_ending_backslash(strndup(sp, sq - sp)); } else { const char* sp = src + 1; const char* sq = src + srclen - 1; /* last char in src must be ' */ if (! (sp <= sq && *sq == '\'')) return -1; /* copy from sp to p */ *ret = strndup(sp, sq - sp); } return *ret ? 0 : -1; } const char* sp; const char* sq; if (0 == strncmp(src, "\"\"\"", 3)) { sp = src + 3; sq = src + srclen - 3; if (! (sp <= sq && 0 == strcmp(sq, "\"\"\""))) return -1; /* skip first new line right after """ */ if (*sp == '\n') sp++; else if (sp[0] == '\r' && sp[1] == '\n') sp += 2; } else { sp = src + 1; sq = src + srclen - 1; if (! (sp <= sq && *sq == '"')) return -1; } char dummy_errbuf[1]; *ret = normalize_string(sp, sq - sp, 1, // flag kill_line_ending_backslash dummy_errbuf, sizeof(dummy_errbuf)); return *ret ? 0 : -1; }