Gear Ratios

This commit is contained in:
Daniel Ziltener 2023-12-04 01:38:41 +01:00
parent 5d91cc2bf1
commit 85fd8dd83c
Signed by: zilti
GPG Key ID: B38976E82C9DAE42
1 changed files with 484 additions and 3 deletions

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@ -61,7 +61,7 @@ Consider your entire calibration document. *What is the sum of all of the calibr
#+NAME: day1-solution-1
#+begin_src scheme :var input=day1-input
#+begin_src scheme :var input=day1-input :results output drawer
(import (chicken string)
(chicken irregex))
(let ((lines (string-split input "\n")))
@ -78,7 +78,20 @@ Consider your entire calibration document. *What is the sum of all of the calibr
#+RESULTS: day1-solution-1
: 54159
Error: unbound variable: geiser#geiser-eval
Call history:
<syntax> (geiser#geiser-eval (quote #f) (quote (begin (let ((input (quote "eightqrssm9httwogqshfxninepnfrppfz...
<syntax> (quote #f)
<syntax> (##core#quote #f)
<syntax> (quote (begin (let ((input (quote "eightqrssm9httwogqshfxninepnfrppfzhsc\none111jxlmc7tvklrmhdpsix\n...
<syntax> (##core#quote (begin (let ((input (quote "eightqrssm9httwogqshfxninepnfrppfzhsc\none111jxlmc7tvklrmh...
<eval> (geiser#geiser-eval (quote #f) (quote (begin (let ((input (quote "eightqrssm9httwogqshfxninepnfrppfz... <--
** Part Two
@ -1404,7 +1417,7 @@ power of these sets?*
Most code can be reused from the first part; only the success check and the main function have to be
rewritten to accommodate the new requirements.
The success check gets replaced by a function that multiplies the minima together.
The success check gets replaced by a function that multiplies the maxima together.
#+NAME: day2-part2-powercalc
#+begin_src scheme
@ -1452,6 +1465,8 @@ The full thing put together:
** Puzzle Input
Jump to [[#headline-22][day 3]].
#+NAME: day2-input
Game 1: 2 blue, 4 green; 7 blue, 1 red, 14 green; 5 blue, 13 green, 1 red; 1 red, 7 blue, 11 green
@ -1555,3 +1570,469 @@ Game 98: 11 red, 6 blue, 13 green; 4 blue, 2 red, 12 green; 2 blue, 8 green, 10
Game 99: 2 red, 1 blue; 4 green; 7 green, 1 blue, 1 red; 5 green, 2 red; 1 blue, 2 red, 9 green; 2 green, 3 red
Game 100: 7 red, 11 blue; 10 red, 5 blue, 1 green; 7 red, 1 green, 13 blue; 9 red; 9 red, 19 blue; 9 red, 9 blue
* Day 3: Gear Ratios
** Part One
*** Quest
You and the Elf eventually reach a [[][gondola lift]] station; he says the gondola lift will take you up
to the *water source*, but this is as far as he can bring you. You go inside.
It doesn't take long to find the gondolas, but there seems to be a problem: they're not moving.
You turn around to see a slightly-greasy Elf with a wrench and a look of surprise. "Sorry, I wasn't
expecting anyone! The gondola lift isn't working right now; it'll still be a while before I can fix
it." You offer to help.
The engineer explains that an engine part seems to be missing from the engine, but nobody can figure
out which one. If you can *add up all the part numbers* in the engine schematic, it should be easy
to work out which part is missing.
The engine schematic (your puzzle input) consists of a visual representation of the engine. There
are lots of numbers and symbols you don't really understand, but apparently *any number adjacent to
a symbol*, even diagonally, is a "part number" and should be included in your sum. (Periods (=.=) do
not count as a symbol.)
Here is an example engine schematic:
In this schematic, two numbers are *not* part numbers because they are not adjacent to a symbol:
=114= (top right) and =58= (middle right). Every other number is adjacent to a symbol and so *is* a
part number; their sum is *=4361=*.
Of course, the actual engine schematic is much larger. *What is the sum of all of the part numbers
in the engine schematic?*
*** Puzzle Solution
#+begin_src scheme :exports none :noweb yes :tangle day3.scm
(import (chicken string)
(chicken format))
(define input "
**** Records
#+NAME: day3-part1-records
#+begin_src scheme :tangle day3.scm
(define-record part-number number line start-col end-col)
(define-record part-symbol sym line start-col end-col)
(define-record buffer-char char line col)
**** Indexing the Input
#+NAME: day3-part1-indexing
#+begin_src scheme :tangle day3.scm
(define (index-input input #!optional (indexed-input '()) (line-index 0) (col-index 0))
(if (= 0 (length input))
(reverse indexed-input)
(let ((next-char (car input))
(new-rest-input (cdr input)))
(if (eqv? #\newline next-char)
(index-input new-rest-input
(+ line-index 1)
(index-input new-rest-input
(cons (make-buffer-char next-char line-index col-index)
(+ col-index 1))))))
**** Tokenizing the Indexed Input
#+NAME: day3-part1-number-char-p
#+begin_src scheme :tangle day3.scm
(define (number-char? c)
(case (buffer-char-char c)
((#\0 #\1 #\2 #\3 #\4 #\5 #\6 #\7 #\8 #\9) #t)
(else #f)))
#+NAME: day3-part1-finalize-token
#+begin_src scheme :tangle day3.scm
(define (finalize-token buffer)
(let* ((rev-buffer (reverse buffer))
(line (buffer-char-line (car buffer)))
(start-col (buffer-char-col (car buffer)))
(end-col (buffer-char-col (car rev-buffer))))
(if (number-char? (car buffer))
(make-part-number (string->number
(apply string (map buffer-char-char buffer)))
line start-col end-col)
(make-part-symbol (string->symbol
(apply string (map buffer-char-char buffer)))
line start-col end-col))))
#+NAME: day3-part1-compatible-with-buffer-p
#+begin_src scheme :tangle day3.scm
(define (compatible-with-buffer? buffer char)
(not (eqv? #\. (buffer-char-char char)))
(or (= 0 (length buffer))
(and (number-char? (car buffer))
(number-char? char))
(and (not (number-char? (car buffer)))
(not (number-char? char))))))
#+NAME: day3-part1-tokenize-indexed-input
#+begin_src scheme :tangle day3.scm
(define (tokenize-indexed-input indexed-input #!optional (token-buffer '()) (part-nums '()) (part-syms '()))
(if (= 0 (length indexed-input))
(values (reverse part-nums)
(reverse part-syms))
(let ((next-char (car indexed-input)))
((compatible-with-buffer? token-buffer (car indexed-input))
(tokenize-indexed-input (cdr indexed-input)
(cons (car indexed-input) token-buffer)
part-nums part-syms))
((= 0 (length token-buffer))
(cdr indexed-input)
(if (eqv? #\. (buffer-char-char (car indexed-input)))
token-buffer (list (car indexed-input)))
part-nums part-syms))
(let ((token (finalize-token (reverse token-buffer))))
(cdr indexed-input)
(if (eqv? #\. (buffer-char-char next-char)) '() (list (car indexed-input)))
(if (part-number? token) (cons token part-nums) part-nums)
(if (part-symbol? token) (cons token part-syms) part-syms))))))))
**** Checking for Part Neighbours
#+NAME: day3-part1-neighbours-p
#+begin_src scheme :tangle day3.scm
(define (neighbours? part-num part-sym)
(let ((part-num-line (part-number-line part-num))
(col-min (- (part-number-start-col part-num) 1))
(col-max (+ (part-number-end-col part-num) 1)))
(and (>= (part-symbol-line part-sym) (- part-num-line 1))
(<= (part-symbol-line part-sym) (+ part-num-line 1))
(>= (part-symbol-start-col part-sym) col-min)
(<= (part-symbol-start-col part-sym) col-max)
(>= (part-symbol-end-col part-sym) col-min)
(<= (part-symbol-end-col part-sym) col-max))))
**** Folding Everything Together
#+NAME: day3-part1-real-part-number-p
#+begin_src scheme :tangle day3.scm
(define (is-real-part-number? part-num part-syms)
(and (< 0 (length part-syms))
(or (neighbours? part-num (car part-syms))
(is-real-part-number? part-num (cdr part-syms)))))
#+NAME: day3-part1-fold
#+begin_src scheme :tangle day3.scm
(define (fold-part-numbers part-nums part-syms)
(foldl (lambda (output input)
(if (is-real-part-number? input part-syms)
(+ output (part-number-number input))
0 part-nums))
#+NAME: day3-part1-calc
#+begin_src scheme :var input=day3-input :noweb yes
(import (chicken string))
(let-values (((part-nums part-syms) (tokenize-indexed-input (index-input (string->list input)))))
(fold-part-numbers part-nums part-syms))
RESULTS: day3-part1-calc
: 509115
#+begin_src scheme :tangle day3.scm
(define (calc-part-1)
(let-values (((part-nums part-syms) (tokenize-indexed-input (index-input (string->list input)))))
(fold-part-numbers part-nums part-syms)))
** Part Two
*** Quest
The engineer finds the missing part and installs it in the engine! As the engine springs to life,
you jump in the closest gondola, finally ready to ascend to the water source.
You don't seem to be going very fast, though. Maybe something is still wrong? Fortunately, the
gondola has a phone labeled "help", so you pick it up and the engineer answers.
Before you can explain the situation, she suggests that you look out the window. There stands the
engineer, holding a phone in one hand and waving with the other. You're going so slowly that you
haven't even left the station. You exit the gondola.
The missing part wasn't the only issue - one of the gears in the engine is wrong. A *gear* is any
=*= symbol that is adjacent to *exactly two part numbers*. Its *gear ratio* is the result of
multiplying those two numbers together.
This time, you need to find the gear ratio of every gear and add them all up so that the engineer
can figure out which gear needs to be replaced.
Consider the same engine schematic again:
In this schematic, there are *two* gears. The first is in the top left; it has part numbers =467=
and =35=, so its gear ratio is =16345=. The second gear is in the lower right; its gear ratio is
=451490=. (The =*= adjacent to =617= is *not* a gear because it is only adjacent to one part
number.) Adding up all of the gear ratios produces *=467835=*.
*What is the sum of all of the gear ratios in your engine schematic?*
*** Puzzle Solution
**** Gather Symbol Neighbours
#+NAME: day3-part2-sym-neighbour-count
#+begin_src scheme :tangle day3.scm
(define (gather-neighbours part-sym part-nums)
(foldl (lambda (output input)
(if (neighbours? input part-sym)
(cons input output)
(list) part-nums))
**** Put Everything Together
#+NAME: day3-part2-filter
#+begin_src scheme :tangle day3.scm
(define (filter-gear-candidates part-syms)
(foldl (lambda (output input)
(if (eqv? '* (part-symbol-sym input))
(cons input output) output))
(list) part-syms))
#+NAME: day3-part2-fold
#+begin_src scheme :tangle day3.scm
(define (calc-gear-ratio gears)
(foldl (lambda (output input)
(if (= 2 (length input))
(+ output (apply * (map part-number-number input)))
0 gears))
#+NAME: day3-part2-calc
#+begin_src scheme
(import (chicken string))
(let-values (((part-nums part-syms) (tokenize-indexed-input (index-input (string->list input)))))
(let ((gear-candidates (map (lambda (x) (gather-neighbours x part-nums)) (filter-gear-candidates part-syms))))
(calc-gear-ratio gears)))
#+RESULTS: day3-part2-calc
: 75220503
#+begin_src scheme :tangle day3.scm
(define (calc-part-2)
(let-values (((part-nums part-syms) (tokenize-indexed-input (index-input (string->list input)))))
(let ((gear-candidates (map (lambda (x) (gather-neighbours x part-nums)) (filter-gear-candidates part-syms))))
(calc-gear-ratio gear-candidates))))
** Puzzle Input
#+NAME: day3-input