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2020-05-31 12:26:20 +00:00
[ch.lyrion.carbon.factory-helpers :as h]
["carbon-components-react/lib/components/DataTable/TableHeader.js" :default TableHeader]))
(def ui-table-header
- children (node): Pass in children that will be embedded in the table header label
- isSortHeader (bool): Specify whether this header is the header by which a table is being sorted
- translateWithId (func): Supply a method to translate internal strings with your i18n tool of
choice. Translation keys are avabile on the `translationKeys` field for
this component. Default: (key, { sortDirection, isSortHeader, sortStates }) => {
if (key === translationKeys.iconDescription) {
if (isSortHeader) {
// When transitioning, we know that the sequence of states is as follows:
// NONE -> ASC -> DESC -> NONE
if (sortDirection === sortStates.NONE) {
return 'Sort rows by this header in ascending order';
if (sortDirection === sortStates.ASC) {
return 'Sort rows by this header in descending order';
return 'Unsort rows by this header';
return 'Sort rows by this header in ascending order';
return '';
- scope (string): Specify the scope of this table header. You can find more info about this
attribute at the following URL: Default: 'col'
- isSortable (bool): Specify whether this header is one through which a user can sort the table Default: false
- className (string): Specify an optional className to be applied to the container node
- colSpan (number): Specify `colSpan` as a non-negative integer value to indicate how
many columns the TableHeader cell extends in a table
- sortDirection (enum): Specify which direction we are currently sorting by, should be one of DESC,
- onClick (func): Hook that is invoked when the header is clicked
(h/factory-apply TableHeader))