(ns ch.lyrion.carbon.list-box.ui-list-box (:require [ch.lyrion.carbon.factory-helpers :as h] ["carbon-components-react/lib/components/ListBox/ListBox.js" :default ListBox])) (def ui-list-box "`ListBox` is a generic container component that handles creating the container class name in response to certain props. Props: - disabled (bool): Specify whether the ListBox is currently disabled Default: false - type (custom): Specify the \"type\" of the ListBox. Currently supports either `default` or `inline` as an option. Default: 'default' - children (node): Provide the contents of your ListBox - className (string): Specify a class name to be applied on the containing list box node - size (custom): Specify the size of the ListBox. Currently supports either `sm` or `xl` as an option. " (h/factory-apply ListBox))