(ns ch.lyrion.carbon.tab.ui-tab (:require [ch.lyrion.carbon.factory-helpers :as h] ["carbon-components-react/lib/components/Tab/Tab.js" :default Tab])) (def ui-tab "Props: - role (string): Provide an accessibility role for your Tab Default: 'presentation' - renderAnchor (func): - selected (bool): Whether your Tab is selected. Reserved for usage in Tabs Default: false - tabIndex (number): Specify the tab index of the node Default: 0 - index (number): The index of your Tab in your Tabs. Reserved for usage in Tabs - disabled (bool): Whether your Tab is disabled. - renderContent (func): Default: TabContent - handleTabClick (func): A handler that is invoked when a user clicks on the control. Reserved for usage in Tabs - className (string): Specify an optional className to be added to your Tab - handleTabKeyDown (func): A handler that is invoked on the key down event for the control. Reserved for usage in Tabs - label (node): Provide the contents of your Tab Default: 'provide a label' - id (string): The element ID for the top-level element. - onKeyDown (func): Provide a handler that is invoked on the key down event for the control Default: () => {} - onClick (func): Provide a handler that is invoked when a user clicks on the control Default: () => {} - href (string): Provide a string that represents the `href` of the Tab Default: '#' " (h/factory-apply Tab))