(ns ch.lyrion.carbon.toggle.ui-toggle (:require [ch.lyrion.carbon.factory-helpers :as h] ["carbon-components-react/lib/components/Toggle/Toggle.js" :default Toggle])) (def ui-toggle "Props: - toggled (bool): Specify whether the control is toggled - className (string): Specify a custom className to apply to the form-item node - labelB (string): Specify the label for the \"on\" position Default: 'On' - id (string) (required): Provide an id that unique represents the underlying - onToggle (func): Provide an optional hook that is called when the control is toggled Default: () => {} - labelA (string): Specify the label for the \"off\" position Default: 'Off' - defaultToggled (bool): Specify whether the toggle should be on by default Default: false - aria-label (string): Default: 'Toggle' - labelText (string): Provide the text that will be read by a screen reader when visiting this control `aria-label` is always required but will be null if `labelText` is also provided " (h/factory-apply Toggle))