(ns ch.lyrion.carbon.data-table.ui-table-select-row (:require [ch.lyrion.carbon.factory-helpers :as h] ["carbon-components-react/lib/components/DataTable/TableSelectRow.js" :default TableSelectRow])) (def ui-table-select-row "Props: - ariaLabel (string) (required): Specify the aria label for the underlying input control - checked (bool) (required): Specify whether all items are selected, or not - disabled (bool): Specify whether the control is disabled - id (string) (required): Provide an `id` for the underlying input control - name (string) (required): Provide a `name` for the underlying input control - onSelect (func) (required): Provide a handler to listen to when a user initiates a selection request - radio (bool): Specify whether the control should be a radio button or inline checkbox - className (string): The CSS class names of the cell that wraps the underlying input control " (h/factory-apply TableSelectRow))