(ns ch.lyrion.carbon.data-table.ui-table-toolbar-search (:require [ch.lyrion.carbon.factory-helpers :as h] ["carbon-components-react/lib/components/DataTable/TableToolbarSearch.js" :default TableToolbarSearch])) (def ui-table-toolbar-search "Props: - children (node): - searchContainerClasses (string): Provide an optional className for the overal container of the Search - tabIndex (union): Optional prop to specify the tabIndex of the (in expanded state) or the container (in collapsed state) Default: '0' - translateWithId (func): Provide custom text for the component for each translation id Default: id => { return translationKeys[id]; } - persistent (bool): Whether the search should be allowed to expand Default: false - persistant (custom): - className (string): Provide an optional class name for the search container - id (string): Provide an optional id for the search container - defaultValue (string): Provide an optional default value for the Search component - placeHolderText (string): Provide an optional placeholder text for the Search component - onChange (func): Provide an optional hook that is called each time the input is updated - labelText (string): Provide an optional label text for the Search component icon " (h/factory-apply TableToolbarSearch))