(ns ch.lyrion.carbon.file-uploader.ui-file-uploader-button (:require [ch.lyrion.carbon.factory-helpers :as h] ["carbon-components-react/lib/components/FileUploader/FileUploaderButton.js" :default FileUploaderButton])) (def ui-file-uploader-button "Props: - role (string): Provide an accessibility role for the Default: 'button' - tabIndex (number): Provide a custom tabIndex value for the Default: 0 - listFiles (bool): Specify whether you want the component to list the files that have been submitted to be uploaded - disabled (bool): Specify whether file input is disabled Default: false - name (string): Provide a name for the underlying node - buttonKind (enum): Specify the type of underlying button Default: 'primary' - multiple (bool): Specify if the component should accept multiple files to upload Default: false - className (string): Provide a custom className to be applied to the container node - size (enum): Specify the size of the button, from a list of available sizes. For `default` buttons, this prop can remain unspecified. - id (string): Provide a unique id for the underlying node - onChange (func): Provide an optional `onChange` hook that is called each time the value changes Default: function noop() {} - labelText (node): Provide the label text to be read by screen readers when interacting with this control Default: 'Add file' - disableLabelChanges (bool): Specify whether you want to disable any updates to the FileUploaderButton label Default: false - onClick (func): Provide an optional `onClick` hook that is called each time the button is clicked - accept (arrayOf): Specify the types of files that this input should be able to receive " (h/factory-apply FileUploaderButton))