(ns ch.lyrion.carbon.modal.ui-modal (:require [ch.lyrion.carbon.factory-helpers :as h] ["carbon-components-react/lib/components/Modal/Modal.js" :default Modal])) (def ui-modal "Props: - secondaryButtonText (string): Specify the text for the secondary button - selectorsFloatingMenus (arrayOf): Specify CSS selectors that match DOM elements working as floating menus. Focusing on those elements won't trigger \"focus-wrap\" behavior - open (bool): Specify whether the Modal is currently open - focusTrap (custom): Deprecated; Used for advanced focus-wrapping feature using 3rd party library, but it's now achieved without a 3rd party library. - children (node): Provide the contents of your Modal - passiveModal (bool): Specify whether the modal should be button-less Default: false - modalHeading (node): Specify the content of the modal header title. Default: '' - onRequestSubmit (func): Specify a handler for \"submitting\" modal. The handler should care of closing modal, e.g. changing `open` prop, if necessary. Default: () => {} - primaryButtonDisabled (bool): Specify whether the Button should be disabled, or not Default: false - onRequestClose (func): Specify a handler for closing modal. The handler should care of closing modal, e.g. changing `open` prop. Default: () => {} - shouldSubmitOnEnter (bool): Specify if Enter key should be used as \"submit\" action - className (string): Specify an optional className to be applied to the modal root node - size (enum): Specify the size variant. - onSecondarySubmit (func): Specify a handler for the secondary button. Useful if separate handler from `onRequestClose` is desirable - danger (bool): Specify whether the Modal is for dangerous actions - hasScrollingContent (bool): Specify whether the modal contains scrolling content Default: false - id (string): Specify the DOM element ID of the top-level node. - modalLabel (node): Specify the content of the modal header label. Default: '' - modalAriaLabel (string): Specify a label to be read by screen readers on the modal root node - aria-label (custom): Required props for the accessibility label of the header - onKeyDown (func): Specify a handler for keypresses. Default: () => {} - selectorPrimaryFocus (string): Specify a CSS selector that matches the DOM element that should be focused when the Modal opens Default: '[data-modal-primary-focus]' - hasForm (bool): Provide whether the modal content has a form element. If `true` is used here, non-form child content should have `bx--modal-content__regular-content` class. - iconDescription (string): Provide a description for \"close\" icon that can be read by screen readers Default: 'Close' - primaryButtonText (string): Specify the text for the primary button " (h/factory-apply Modal))