(ns ch.lyrion.carbon.data-table.ui-table (:require [ch.lyrion.carbon.factory-helpers :as h] ["carbon-components-react/lib/components/DataTable/Table.js" :default Table])) (def ui-table "Props: - isSortable (bool): `false` If true, will apply sorting styles Default: false - overflowMenuOnHover (bool): Specify whether the overflow menu (if it exists) should be shown always, or only on hover Default: true - className (string): - useZebraStyles (bool): `true` to add useZebraStyles striping. - size (enum): `normal` Change the row height of table - useStaticWidth (bool): `false` If true, will use a width of 'auto' instead of 100% - shouldShowBorder (bool): `false` If true, will remove the table border - stickyHeader (bool): `false` If true, will keep the header sticky (only data rows will scroll) " (h/factory-apply Table))