(ns ch.lyrion.carbon.data-table-skeleton.ui-data-table-skeleton (:require [ch.lyrion.carbon.factory-helpers :as h] ["carbon-components-react/lib/components/DataTableSkeleton/DataTableSkeleton.js" :default DataTableSkeleton])) (def ui-data-table-skeleton "Props: - rowCount (number): Specify the number of rows that you want to render in the skeleton state Default: 5 - columnCount (number): Specify the number of columns that you want to render in the skeleton state Default: 5 - zebra (bool): Optionally specify whether you want the DataTable to be zebra striped Default: false - compact (bool): Optionally specify whether you want the Skeleton to be rendered as a compact DataTable Default: false - headers (union): Optionally specify the displayed headers Default: [] - className (string): Specify an optional className to add. " (h/factory-apply DataTableSkeleton))