(ns ch.lyrion.carbon.date-picker.ui-date-picker (:require [ch.lyrion.carbon.factory-helpers :as h] ["carbon-components-react/lib/components/DatePicker/DatePicker.js" :default DatePicker])) (def ui-date-picker "Props: - children (node): The child nodes. - short (bool): `true` to use the short version. Default: false - appendTo (object): The DOM element the Flatpicker should be inserted into. `` by default. - datePickerType (enum): The type of the date picker: * `simple` - Without calendar dropdown. * `single` - With calendar dropdown and single date. * `range` - With calendar dropdown and a date range. - locale (enum): The language locale used to format the days of the week, months, and numbers. * `ar` - Arabic * `at` - Austria * `be` - Belarusian * `bg` - Bulgarian * `bn` - Bangla * `cat` - Catalan * `cs` - Czech * `cy` - Welsh * `da` - Danish * `de` - German * `en` - English * `eo` - Esperanto * `es` - Spanish * `et` - Estonian * `fa` - Persian * `fi` - Finnish * `fr` - French * `gr` - Greek * `he` - Hebrew * `hi` - Hindi * `hr` - Croatian * `hu` - Hungarian * `id` - Indonesian * `it` - Italian * `ja` - Japanese * `ko` - Korean * `lt` - Lithuanian * `lv` - Latvian * `mk` - Macedonian * `mn` - Mongolian * `ms` - Malaysian * `my` - Burmese * `nl` - Dutch * `no` - Norwegian * `pa` - Punjabi * `pl` - Polish * `pt` - Portuguese * `ro` - Romanian * `si` - Sinhala * `sk` - Slovak * `sl` - Slovenian * `sq` - Albanian * `sr` - Serbian * `sv` - Swedish * `th` - Thai * `tr` - Turkish * `uk` - Ukrainian * `vn` - Vietnamese * `zh` - Mandarin Default: 'en' - value (union): The value of the date value provided to flatpickr, could be a date, a date number, a date string, an array of dates. - onClose (func): The `close` event handler. - maxDate (string): The maximum date that a user can pick to. - className (string): The CSS class names. - minDate (string): The minimum date that a user can start picking from. - dateFormat (string): The date format. Default: 'm/d/Y' - onChange (func): The `change` event handler. - light (bool): `true` to use the light version. Default: false " (h/factory-apply DatePicker))