(ns ch.lyrion.carbon.file-uploader.ui-file-uploader-item (:require [ch.lyrion.carbon.factory-helpers :as h] ["carbon-components-react/lib/components/FileUploader/FileUploaderItem.js" :default FileUploaderItem])) (def ui-file-uploader-item "Props: - status (enum): Status of the file upload Default: 'uploading' - onDelete (func): Event handler that is called after removing a file from the file uploader The event handler signature looks like `onDelete(evt, { uuid })` Default: () => {} - uuid (string): Unique identifier for the file object - name (string): Name of the uploaded file - iconDescription (string): Description of status icon (displayed in native tooltip) - invalid (bool): Specify if the currently uploaded file is invalid - errorSubject (string): Error message subject for an invalid file upload - errorBody (string): Error message body for an invalid file upload " (h/factory-apply FileUploaderItem))