(ns ch.lyrion.carbon.inline-loading.ui-inline-loading (:require [ch.lyrion.carbon.factory-helpers :as h] ["carbon-components-react/lib/components/InlineLoading/InlineLoading.js" :default InlineLoading])) (def ui-inline-loading "Props: - status (enum): Specify the loading status Default: success ? 'finished' : 'active' - successDelay (number): Provide a delay for the `setTimeout` for success Default: 1500 - className (string): Specify a custom className to be applied to the container node - success (custom): Specify whether the load was successful - description (node): Specify the description for the inline loading text - iconDescription (string): Specify the description for the inline loading text - onSuccess (func): Provide an optional handler to be inovked when is successful " (h/factory-apply InlineLoading))