(ns ch.lyrion.carbon.list-box.ui-list-box-selection (:require [ch.lyrion.carbon.factory-helpers :as h] ["carbon-components-react/lib/components/ListBox/ListBoxSelection.js" :default ListBoxSelection])) (def ui-list-box-selection "`ListBoxSelection` is used to provide controls for clearing a selection, in addition to conditionally rendering a badge if the control has more than one selection. Props: - translateWithId (func): i18n hook used to provide the appropriate description for the given menu icon. This function takes in an id defined in `translationIds` and should return a string message for that given message id. Default: id => defaultTranslations[id] - disabled (bool): Specify whether or not the clear selection element should be disabled - clearSelection (func) (required): Specify a function to be invoked when a user interacts with the clear selection element. - selectionCount (number): Specify an optional `selectionCount` value that will be used to determine whether the selection should display a badge or a single clear icon. - onClick (func): Specify an optional `onClick` handler that is called when the underlying clear selection element is clicked - onKeyDown (func): Specify an optional `onKeyDown` handler that is called when the underlying clear selection element fires a keydown event " (h/factory-apply ListBoxSelection))