(ns ch.lyrion.carbon.text-input.ui-controlled-password-input (:require [ch.lyrion.carbon.factory-helpers :as h] ["carbon-components-react/lib/components/TextInput/ControlledPasswordInput.js" :default ControlledPasswordInput])) (def ui-controlled-password-input "Props: - tooltipPosition (enum): Specify the direction of the tooltip for icon-only buttons. Can be either top, right, bottom, or left. Default: 'bottom' - helperText (node): Provide text that is used alongside the control label for additional help Default: '' - invalidText (string): Provide the text that is displayed when the control is in an invalid state Default: '' - tooltipAlignment (enum): Specify the alignment of the tooltip to the icon-only button. Can be one of: start, center, or end. Default: 'center' - placeholder (string): Specify the placeholder attribute for the - disabled (bool): Specify whether the control is disabled Default: false - value (union): Provide the current value of the - type (null): null Default: 'password' - invalid (bool): Specify whether the control is currently invalid Default: false - className (string): Provide a custom className that is applied directly to the underlying node Default: '${prefix}--text__input' - size (string): Specify the size of the Text Input. Currently supports either `small` or `large` as an option. If omitted, defaults to standard size Default: '' - hideLabel (bool): Specify whether or not the underlying label is visually hidden - id (string) (required): Provide a unique identifier for the input field - defaultValue (union): Optionally provide the default value of the - onChange (func): Optionally provide an `onChange` handler that is called whenever is updated Default: () => {} - light (bool): Specify light version or default version of this control Default: false - labelText (node) (required): Provide the text that will be read by a screen reader when visiting this control - onClick (func): Optionally provide an `onClick` handler that is called whenever the is clicked Default: () => {} " (h/factory-apply ControlledPasswordInput))