
19 lines
922 B

(ns ch.lyrion.carbon.accordion.ui-accordion-item
[ch.lyrion.carbon.factory-helpers :as h]
["carbon-components-react/lib/components/Accordion/AccordionItem.js" :default AccordionItem]))
(def ui-accordion-item
- open (bool): `true` to open the expando. Default: false
- renderExpando (func): The callback function to render the expando button.
Can be a React component class. Default: props => <button {...props} />
- title (node): The accordion title. Default: 'title'
- children (node): Provide the contents of your AccordionItem
- className (string): Specify an optional className to be applied to the container node
- iconDescription (custom): The description of the expando icon.
- onClick (func): The handler of the massaged `click` event.
- onHeadingClick (func): The handler of the massaged `click` event on the heading.
(h/factory-apply AccordionItem))