
16 lines
829 B

(ns ch.lyrion.carbon.form-group.ui-form-group
[ch.lyrion.carbon.factory-helpers :as h]
["carbon-components-react/lib/components/FormGroup/FormGroup.js" :default FormGroup]))
(def ui-form-group
- invalid (bool): Specify whether the <FormGroup> is invalid Default: false
- message (bool): Specify whether the message should be displayed in the <FormGroup> Default: false
- messageText (string): Provide the text for the message in the <FormGroup> Default: ''
- children (node): Provide the children form elements to be rendered inside of the <fieldset>
- legendText (string) (required): Provide the text to be rendered inside of the fieldset <legend>
- className (string): Provide a custom className to be applied to the containing <fieldset> node
(h/factory-apply FormGroup))