
29 lines
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(ns ch.lyrion.carbon.overflow-menu-item.ui-overflow-menu-item
[ch.lyrion.carbon.factory-helpers :as h]
["carbon-components-react/lib/components/OverflowMenuItem/OverflowMenuItem.js" :default OverflowMenuItem]))
(def ui-overflow-menu-item
- itemText (node): The text in the menu item. Default: 'Provide itemText'
- requireTitle (bool): `true` if this menu item has long text and requires a browser tooltip
- wrapperClassName (string): The CSS class name to be placed on the wrapper list item element
- primaryFocus (bool): `true` if this menu item should get focus when the menu gets open.
- disabled (bool): `true` to make this menu item disabled. Default: false
- closeMenu (func): A callback to tell the parent menu component that the menu should be closed.
- onMouseEnter (func):
- onMouseDown (func):
- onBlur (func): event handlers
- hasDivider (bool): `true` to make this menu item a divider. Default: false
- className (string): The CSS class name to be placed on the button element
- onKeyUp (func):
- isDelete (bool): `true` to make this menu item a \"danger button\". Default: false
- onMouseLeave (func):
- onKeyDown (func): Default: () => {}
- onClick (func): Default: () => {}
- href (string): If given, overflow item will render as a link with the given href
- onFocus (func):
- onMouseUp (func):
(h/factory-apply OverflowMenuItem))