
22 lines
1007 B

(ns ch.lyrion.carbon.ui-shell.ui-header-global-action
[ch.lyrion.carbon.factory-helpers :as h]
["carbon-components-react/lib/components/UIShell/HeaderGlobalAction.js" :default HeaderGlobalAction]))
(def ui-header-global-action
"HeaderGlobalAction is used as a part of the `HeaderGlobalBar`. It is
essentially an Icon Button with an additional state to indicate whether it is
\"active\". The active state comes from when a user clicks on the global action
which should trigger a panel to appear.
Note: children passed to this component should be an Icon.
- children (node) (required): Provide a custom icon for this global action
- className (string): Optionally provide a custom class name that is applied to the underlying
- onClick (func): Optionally provide an onClick handler that is called when the underlying
button fires it's onclick event
- isActive (bool): Specify whether the action is currently active
(h/factory-apply HeaderGlobalAction))