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2022-10-25 18:53:47 +00:00
(import (chicken string))
(import r7rs
(chicken base)
(chicken port)
(chicken io)
(srfi 34) ;; Exception Handling
(srfi 35) ;; Exception Types
(srfi 69) ;; Hash Tables
(srfi 99) ;; Extended Records
(srfi 113) ;; Sets and Bags
(srfi 128) ;; Comparators
(srfi 133) ;; Vectors
(srfi 152) ;; Strings
(srfi 158) ;; Generators and Accumulators
;; [[file:../*API][API:3]]
(include-relative "../redis-impl.scm")
;; API:3 ends here
2022-10-25 14:59:41 +00:00
;; #+name: simple-string-test
;; [[file:../][simple-string-test]]
(test-group "Simple strings"
(test "+this is a simple string."
"this is a simple string."
(with-input-from-string "this is a simple string.\r\n" read-redis-simple-string)))
;; simple-string-test ends here
;; [[file:../*Blob Strings][Blob Strings:2]]
(test-group "Blob strings"
(test "$10\r\nhelloworld"
(with-input-from-string "10\r\nhelloworld\r\n" read-redis-blob-string)))
;; Blob Strings:2 ends here
;; [[file:../*Integers][Integers:2]]
(test-group "Integers"
(test ":180" 180
(with-input-from-string "180\r\n" read-redis-number)))
;; Integers:2 ends here
;; Bignums are prefixed with ~(~.
;; #+begin_example
;; (3492890328409238509324850943850943825024385
;; #+end_example
;; [[file:../*Bignums][Bignums:1]]
(test-group "Bignums"
(test "(3492890328409238509324850943850943825024385" 3492890328409238509324850943850943825024385
(with-input-from-string "3492890328409238509324850943850943825024385\r\n" read-redis-number)))
;; Bignums:1 ends here
;; [[file:../*Booleans][Booleans:2]]
(test-group "Booleans"
(test "#t" #t
(with-input-from-string "t" read-redis-bool))
(test "#f" #f
(with-input-from-string "f" read-redis-bool)))
;; Booleans:2 ends here
;; [[file:../*Null][Null:2]]
(test-group "Null"
(test "_" '()
(with-input-from-string "" read-redis-null)))
;; Null:2 ends here
;; [[file:../*Arrays][Arrays:2]]
(test-group "Arrays"
(test "*3:1:2:3" #(1 2 3)
(with-input-from-string "3\r\n:1\r\n:2\r\n:3\r\n" read-redis-array)))
;; Arrays:2 ends here
;; [[file:../*Maps][Maps:2]]
(test-group "Maps"
2022-10-25 18:53:47 +00:00
(let ((ht (with-input-from-string "2\r\n+first\r\n:1\r\n+second\r\n:2\r\n" read-redis-map)))
(test 1 (hash-table-ref ht "first"))
(test 2 (hash-table-ref ht "second"))))
2022-10-25 14:59:41 +00:00
;; Maps:2 ends here
;; [[file:../*Sets][Sets:2]]
(test-group "Sets"
(test-assert "~4+orange+apple#t#f"
(set=? (set (redis-set-comparator) "orange" "apple" #t #f)
(with-input-from-string "4\r\n+orange\r\n+apple\r\n#t\r\n#f\r\n" read-redis-set))))
;; Sets:2 ends here
2022-10-25 18:53:47 +00:00
;; [[file:../*About this egg][About this egg:2]]
;; About this egg:2 ends here