
This commit is contained in:
Daniel Ziltener 2020-02-13 17:46:01 +01:00
parent 2e84901280
commit e2d2564273
2 changed files with 150 additions and 59 deletions

View File

@ -1,18 +1,15 @@
{org.clojure/clojure {:mvn/version "1.10.1"}
clj-http {:mvn/version "3.10.0"}
cheshire {:mvn/version "5.9.0"}
org.clojure/tools.cli {:mvn/version "0.4.2"}
cheshire {:mvn/version "5.10.0"}
clj-http {:mvn/version "3.10.0"}
;; org.martinklepsch/clj-http-lite {:mvn/version "0.4.3"}
org.seleniumhq.selenium/selenium-java {:mvn/version "4.0.0-alpha-4"}
org.postgresql/postgresql {:mvn/version "42.2.9"}
com.layerware/hugsql-core {:mvn/version "0.5.1"}
com.layerware/hugsql-adapter-next-jdbc {:mvn/version "0.5.1"}
digest {:mvn/version "1.4.9"}
cljstache {:mvn/version "2.0.4"}
;; Logging
com.taoensso/timbre {:mvn/version "4.10.0"}
com.fzakaria/slf4j-timbre {:mvn/version "0.3.14"}
org.slf4j/log4j-over-slf4j {:mvn/version "1.7.29"}
org.slf4j/jul-to-slf4j {:mvn/version "1.7.29"}
org.slf4j/jcl-over-slf4j {:mvn/version "1.7.29"}}
cljstache {:mvn/version "2.0.4"}}
:paths ["src" "resources"]
:mvn/repos {"central" {:url ""}
"clojars" {:url ""}}

View File

@ -1,27 +1,90 @@
(ns com.sompani.onboarding
"A tool to automate the onboarding of new VCs.
This works by providing `-main` with an EDN file containing the keys
with the necessary info. The EDN file has to contain a map with the
following keys:
* `:company-name`: the company name as in <company-name>
* `:company-domain`: the company domain name as in talent.<company-domain>."
(:require [ :as sh]
[ :as io]
"A tool to automate the onboarding of new VCs."
(:require [ :as io]
[clojure.string :as str]
[ :refer [parse-opts]]
[clj-http.client :as http]
[cljstache.core :as cljstache]
[taoensso.timbre :as timbre
:refer [log trace debug info warn error fatal report
logf tracef debugf infof warnf errorf fatalf reportf
spy get-env]])
[cljstache.core :as cljstache])
(:import (java.nio.file Files
(java.nio.file.attribute PosixFileAttributeView
( BufferedReader File)
(org.openqa.selenium.firefox FirefoxDriver)
(org.openqa.selenium By)))
;; # Webserver configuration
;; # Helper functions
(defn sh
"Launches a process with optional args, returning exit code.
Prints stdout & stderr."
[bin & args]
(let [arg-array ^"[Ljava.lang.String;" (into-array String (cons bin args))
process (-> (ProcessBuilder. arg-array)
(.redirectErrorStream true) ;; TODO stream stderr to stderr
(with-open [out (io/reader (.getInputStream process))]
(loop []
(when-let [line (.readLine ^BufferedReader out)]
(println line)
(.waitFor process)))
(def driver (FirefoxDriver.))
;; # AWS Domain
(declare make-dns-entries!)
(defn aws-login [& {:keys [aws-username aws-password]}]
(.get driver "")
(.sendKeys (.findElement driver (By/id "resolving_input"))
(into-array String [(or aws-username (System/getenv "AWS_USERNAME"))]))
(.click (.findElement driver (By/id "next_button")))
(Thread/sleep 15000)
(.sendKeys (.findElement driver (By/id "password"))
(into-array String [(or aws-password (System/getenv "AWS_PASSWORD"))]))
(.click (.findElement driver (By/id "signin_button"))))
(defn aws-verify-domain-dns [{:keys [company-name]}]
(.click (.findElement driver (By/linkText "Domains")))
(.click (.findElement driver (By/id "gwt-debug-verifyNewDomain")))
(.sendKeys (.findElement driver (By/cssSelector "td > .gwt-TextBox"))
(into-array String [(str company-name "")]))
(.click (.findElement driver (By/cssSelector ".gwt-CheckBox input")))
(.click (.findElement driver (By/xpath "//span[contains(text(),\"Verify This Domain\")]")))
(Thread/sleep 2000)
(let [rows (.findElements driver (By/cssSelector ".dialogMiddle table[style^=\"table-layout\"] tr[__gwt_subrow=\"0\"]"))
entries (->>
(map #(identity {:name (.getText (.findElement % (By/cssSelector "td:nth-child(1)")))
:type (.getText (.findElement % (By/cssSelector "td:nth-child(2)")))
:content (.getText (.findElement % (By/cssSelector "td:nth-child(3)")))}) rows)
(remove #(or (= "" (:name %))
(= "MX" (:type %)))))]
(.click (.findElement driver (By/xpath "//span[contains(text(), \"Close\")]")))
(make-dns-entries! entries)))
(defn aws-verify-domain-mailfrom [{:keys [company-name]}]
(.click (.findElement driver (By/linkText "Domains")))
(.click (.findElement driver (By/linkText (str company-name ""))))
(.click (.findElement driver (By/xpath "//span[contains(text(),\"MAIL FROM Domain\")]")))
(.click (.findElement driver (By/xpath "//button[contains(text(),\"Set MAIL FROM Domain\")]")))
(.sendKeys (.findElement driver (By/cssSelector "td > input"))
(into-array String ["m"]))
(.click (.findElement driver (By/xpath "//span[contains(text(),\"Set MAIL FROM Domain\")]")))
(Thread/sleep 2000)
(let [rows (.findElements driver (By/cssSelector ".dialogMiddle table[style^=\"table-layout\"] tr[__gwt_subrow=\"0\"]"))
entries (->> (map #(identity {:name (.getText (.findElement % (By/cssSelector "td:nth-child(1)")))
:type (.getText (.findElement % (By/cssSelector "td:nth-child(2)")))
:content (.getText (.findElement % (By/cssSelector "td:nth-child(3)")))}) rows))]
(.click (.findElement driver (By/xpath "//span[contains(text(),\"Close\")]")))
(make-dns-entries! entries)))
;; # AWS Mail
(defn aws-verify-mail-address [{:keys [company-name]}]
(.click (.findElement driver (By/linkText "Email Addresses")))
(.click (.findElement driver (By/xpath "//button[contains(text(),\"Verify a New Email Address\")]")))
(.sendKeys (.findElement driver (By/id "gwt-debug-verifySenderEmailBox"))
(into-array String [(str "info@" company-name "")]))
(.click (.findElement driver (By/xpath "//span[contains(text(),\"Verify This Email Address\")]"))))
;; ## Deployment directory structure
@ -36,6 +99,7 @@
(.setGroup group)))
(defn make-dirs! [{:keys [company-name]}]
(printf "Creating deploy directories for %s." company-name)
(let [attrs (Files/getFileAttributeView (.toPath (io/file "/srv/http/"))
(into-array LinkOption [LinkOption/NOFOLLOW_LINKS]))
@ -52,10 +116,11 @@
:let [dir (.toPath (io/file (format dir-str company-name)))]]
(printf ".")
(Files/createDirectory dir fattr)
(set-owner dir owner))
(set-owner dir owner)))
(printf ".")
(let [link (.toPath (io/file (format "/srv/http/" company-name)))]
(Files/createSymbolicLink link
@ -64,35 +129,39 @@
(set-owner link owner))
(printf ".")
(let [link (.toPath (io/file (format "/srv/http/" company-name)))]
(Files/createSymbolicLink link
(.toPath (io/file (format "/srv/http/" company-name)))
(set-owner link owner))
(set-owner link owner)))
(printf " ok.\n")))
;; ## nginx configuration
(defn create-nginx-server! [datamap]
(printf "Creating nginx entries for $s." (:company-name datamap))
(doseq [file [""
:let [in-file (str "resources/nginx/" file)
out-file (format "/etc/nginx/servers-available/%s" (str/replace file #"skel" (:company-name datamap)))]]
(info "using template" in-file "to create" out-file)
(printf ".")
(spit out-file
(cljstache/render (slurp in-file) datamap))))
(cljstache/render (slurp in-file) datamap)))
(printf " ok.\n"))
;; ## Certificates
(defn generate-certs! [{:keys [company-name company-domain] :as datamap}]
(apply sh/sh (map #(cljstache/render % datamap)
["certbot" "certonly" "--nginx"
"-d" "staging.{{company-name}}"
"-d" "{{company-name}}"
"-d" "talent.{{company-domain}}"
"-d" "www.talent.{{company-domain}}"
"--cert-name" "{{company-name}}"]))))
(println "Generating certificates...")
(apply sh (map #(cljstache/render % datamap)
["certbot" "certonly" "--nginx"
"-d" "staging.{{company-name}}"
"-d" "{{company-name}}"
"-d" "talent.{{company-domain}}"
"-d" "www.talent.{{company-domain}}"
"--cert-name" "{{company-name}}"]))
(println "ok."))
;; # DNS configuration
@ -108,28 +177,53 @@
{:type "TXT" :name (format "" company-name) :content "v=spf1 ~all"}
{:type "TXT" :name (format "" company-name) :content "v=spf1"}])
(defn make-basic-dns-entries! [{:keys [company-name]}]
(defn make-dns-entries! [entries]
(let [uri ""
headers {"Authorization" (str "Bearer " (System/getenv "CLOUDFLARE_API"))}
entries (basic-dns-entries company-name)]
(debug "Creating DNS entries for" company-name "; Headers: " headers)
headers {"Authorization" (str "Bearer " (System/getenv "CLOUDFLARE_API"))}]
(doseq [entry entries]
(info (http/post uri
{:headers headers
:content-type :json
:form-params entry})))))
(printf ".")
(http/post uri
{:headers headers
:content-type :json
:form-params entry}))))
(defn make-basic-dns-entries! [{:keys [company-name]}]
(printf "Creating basic DNS entries for %s." company-name)
(make-dns-entries! (basic-dns-entries company-name))
(println " ok."))
;; # Main initialization
(def cli-options
[["-d" "--domain VCDOMAIN" "The domain of the VC to onboard"
:default nil
:id :vc-domain]
["-n" "--name VCNAME" "The name of the VC to onboard"
:default nil
:id :vc-name]
[nil "--deploy-directories" "Create deploy directories"]
[nil "--base-dns" "Create basic DNS entries"]
[nil "--aws-domain" "Create AWS Domain DNS entries and verify new domain"]
[nil "--nginx" "Create nginx entries"]
[nil "--certify" "Generate certificates"]
["-h" "--help"]])
(defn -main [& args]
(let [datamap (read-string (slurp (nth args 0)))]
(info "Creating deploy directories.")
(make-dirs! datamap)
(info "Creating basic DNS entries.")
(make-basic-dns-entries! datamap)
(info "Creating nginx entries.")
(create-nginx-server! datamap)
(info "Generating certificates.")
(generate-certs! datamap)
(info "Done.")))
(let [{:keys [vc-domain
:as options}
(:options (parse-opts args cli-options))
datamap {:company-name vc-name "company-domain" vc-domain}]
(and deploy-directories (make-dirs! datamap))
(and base-dns (make-basic-dns-entries! datamap))
(and aws-domain (do (aws-login)
(Thread/sleep 5000)
(aws-verify-domain-dns datamap)
(aws-verify-domain-mailfrom datamap)))
(and nginx (create-nginx-server! datamap))
(and certify (generate-certs! datamap))
(println "Done.")))